Ok, thanks.
I've been grinding for ages and finally got a successful 1cc with the default 3 lives on easy. Will post it soon.
Why is it that I see 4 lives on the top left on the runs? (technically 5)?
I only have 2 (techincally 3)?
Help please?
Ok then. Since I figured out that buying slots is cheaper now, I could save time and be able to beat my 24:24 now. Time to grind some more.
Once I get fast internet (via going to uni), I am going to upload the full run (just a bit over 1 hour). I also don't know where we should define the stop time if we extend it.
I am going to try to do a run of showing the new intro% part. There are 2 extra story missions after the intro% part and I am not sure if we should include that in the new intro%.
The intro% part is only slightly tweaked fyi
I have noticed the story mode has been tweaked and extended.
Some of the maps to fight in have their layouts changed so it sometimes seems slower for beta% part of the story (maybe strats need to change and it can be equally as fast) but should we add a new category for an extended version of the story?
I feel that I cannot really beat my time anymore due to the slight layout change in the beta% portion of the story.
I was assuming so but just in case I did it and my runs ended up being faster than my own currently with auto-battler, i just wanted to double check to make sure I wasn't technically cheating. I just want to see what types of times I can get with auto-battler.