Canadaningcraft22 hours ago

Now Karlson has been beaten faster and faster each year since it came out and it wont be long until they can beat it in NEGATIVE time. Now the creator of the game, Dani. Intends to use this to travel back in time to 1981 which is exacly 44 years ago which is also the exact time between the years 2025 to 2069. Dani's original intentions were to release the official steam version Karlson in 2069 but because of the ability to travel back in time now that speed runners have found a way to beat the game in negative time, Dani will be able to release the game in 2025. The problem with this is that the Dani from the future will collide with the original Dani from 2020 and will essentially cause an interdimesional paradox that will cause every star in the universe to contract and eventually turn in to a supernova that will destroy all time as we know it. The solution to this is for Dani to finish making the game before the original dani from 2020 is even born. But another problem with this is that the game will be so MASSIVE that there will be billions of people installing Karlson which means that every single computer in the world will be overloaded and this will make all important digitized computer infrastructure (such as banking, cryptocurrency, and etc) to crash which means the world would end up in a economic crisis that will escalate in to a nuclear war that destroys all humanity. The solution is to make a simpler and more optimized version of the game, "KarlSon 2" which is smaller and wont crash every single computer in the world AND makes it so that speedrunner can beat it even FASTER which means we can travel further back in time to the jurrasic era and replace the meteorite that killed the dinosoars with-

FOPAWESOME menyukai ini
Canadaningcraft23 hours ago

So basically i found a new strat on sandbox 2 where instead of grabbing the shotgun and using it to boost yourself, you grab the Goose Cannon instead and do an easy reverse split-s twist powerloop trippy spin maneuver to get maximum momentum in correspondance to your height and height lost per 100 meters. This will propel you to the milk about 1.47x faster than a shotgun could which saves about 3 and a half seconds according to my tests.

rhyzzenn, SlushyNoobz dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
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1 year ago
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Karlson (Itch.io)
Karlson (Itch.io)
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