British Columbia, Canadamokesmoe1 year ago

You are correct, I retimed the run (and the oob run too). I can't be sure my manual timing is accurate to what in-game time should be, but it shouldn't be more than a second off and it's not WR anymore anyway

British Columbia, Canadamokesmoe8 years ago

People having times in 1 Character shouldn't be a problem, I'm not suggesting we get rid of it. (Unless it's not possible to change it's name without messing up the times; in that case I guess we should leave the name.) Setting up sub-categories will split up the runs, but it won't get rid of them.

Also If we want to keep 4 character we should specify that it's the four starting characters and not just any four, as I assume that's what's intended.

British Columbia, Canadamokesmoe8 years ago

The current categories are pretty silly.

Playing up to the Dragun doesn't make very much sense, as it's not the real final boss. It's similar to playing up to the heart in Issac if you are familiar with that game. However, we already have people running this so we may as well keep it around as a category.

This is my proposed category list: (and the reasoning for each one)

  • Kill Dragun: It's the final boss when you first start the game, and people are already running it.

  • Kill the past: This is the true ending, though only the first four characters can do it. It seems that the secret characters will likely get pasts in updates though. Each character has a different past, so setting character choice as a sub-category is especially important here.

  • Hell: Bullet Hell is the secret final level. This is similar to the Chest in Issac if you are familiar with that game.

  • 6 Characters: There's no reason to have both 4 and 6 character runs. Also these runs should go to Hell, not just the Dragun, as the Dragun isn't the real final boss no matter which path you take. We could potentially do 6 Character past runs once/if the secret characters get pasts.

  • Boss rush: This is an alternate gamemode. (and we already have this category)

  • Blessing of the gun: This is another alternate gamemode. It limits you to one gun but makes your gun randomly switch all the time.

  • Tutorial: This is a bit silly, but I'd like to run it. (no rng) If this is added it should be a misc category.

I don't think it's worth having a shortcut category.

I don't think it's worth adding an extra category just for glitched chests as they're so rare. We could possibly allow them in multi-character runs.

I think character choice should be set as a subcategory, because runs can be fairly different with different characters. (Bullet in particular is way faster than every other character.)

Another category worth considering is a "full game" run, doing abbey of the true gun and then continuing down to hell.

tobash_wombat menyukai ini
British Columbia, Canadamokesmoe8 years ago

I think having 4 and 6 character speedruns is silly. Issac only has multiple character amounts as a holdover from previous versions, and because people didn't want to run the super hard secret characters. I think just having 6 character runs makes a lot more sense.

I feel "1 Character" should be renamed to Dragun, and there should be categories for killing the past and beating hell. I also feel that multi-character speedruns should go to hell instead of the Dragun. If we take precedent from issac, their multi-char runs go to chest. (Which is an equivalent "secret" final level.)

Also the character variable should probably be set as a sub-category in the categories where it's used.

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