Feel free to post any helpful tips or anything you think might be of use to other runners
Hey, thanks for the feedback
For custom items, I totally agree I was just curious as to what would happen for them
For the difficulty, you can change it from the options before even selecting campaign mode so thats the main reason I was wondering about it
Yeah I've only been practicing fairly casually as I have exams at the moment and that's fair enough that the tutorial would be left out
And if there would be any easier way to contact one another (without some breahces of our privacy) i'd be happy to hear it as this is fairly inconvenient
Great to hear what you would have to say about this
I was just going to thank you for doing a much better job than me making the categories for this run, although, when I start the campaign from a blank save, it'll always make your character Lars when it puts you in the first room/tutorial room. Just thought I'd discuss this with you and other things to clarify for the runs such as difficulty as use of cosmetic items that grant the % chance for element effects