benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

If you go into any Jumping Puzzle and click on Rules you will see answers to your question

benang: Outlast
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

If you'd like to practice the 1st skip with infinite time to do it, try this:

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

I meant screwing something up when editing rules or changing the levels altogether

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

It's not like this forums are getting much attention anyways, but if you decide to make a discord hit me with an invite, my username is in my profile

also, thanks for modding me, i don't have any experience with being mod on this website so i hope i won't screw anything up :^) so should we make JPs into individual levels instead of full game runs? browsing them right now is a real pain, you have to scroll through all of the names

also should we split them into restricted/unrestricted?

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

Exactly, you can't balance the rules so every class will have the same results unless you ban literally everything, which then makes it not really a "speed"run. No wonder people will play thief, mesmer and warrior but these are the fastest classes and we have to accept this fact

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

You don't want eveyrone to run thief, but not banning daredevil will make everyone run it. The dodge that grants swiftness has 450 range, while others have 300, so we'd just need to ban the usage of dodge trait.

About the guns - probably yes, also Experimental Rifles

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

My opinion on this: we can either go full liberty, allowing literally everything except using ready mesmer portal :D

  1. forbid things like blinking/shadowsteping on the wall (boosting, skipping big chunks of JP), so everyone can just use weapon skills (excluding exec's axe) and swiftness [personally I'd think it's for the best]

  2. Let it be how it is, maybe allowing either boons/passives or weapon skills.

We also have to discuss, should be Daredevil be allowed? Because his dodge is definitely strong, we don't want everyone to run this class.

About the HoT city buff - I don't think there are enough JPs in cities to forbid it, also I don't think anyone without HoT cares about speedrunning this game

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

Hmm I think glider should be forbidden in JPs that DON'T absolutely require you to use it (like Living Story 3 ones). Also with current rules, should traits or signets that passively increase movement speed be forbidden too? :v

I don't care who of us becomes a mod, we just need new set of rules :D mind messaging head admins?

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

The mod was active 1 month ago. Should we just write to headadmins of the speedrun.com to add any of us as a mod?

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

BTW good to know someone even knows this game exists on this website :d

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

Gemstore bundles such as Exe Axe shouldn't be allowed, yes. But when you're running with thief or mesmer it's very tempting to shadowstep or blink, isn't it? Even if not weapon skills, then at least swiftness

benang: Guild Wars 2
Śląskie, Polandjaytee7 years ago

Let's be honest, rules that don't allow any usage of weapon, utility skills and any boons are retarded. I'd submit a run in literally every JP there are but this rule honestly discourages me. Don't you think it should be changed?

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