You can try do Speedruns of Flash games with Adobe Flash. I'm not familiar with Mac but it shouldn't be a problem trying that. I can suggest Fist Punch (i also did runs) from Cartoon Network website, there's the web and flash version.
Literally my first time watching a City Folk Speedrun. I might not know anything at all but dude that map is SO DUMB. GGs
@SioN actually that's weird to happen. First, the antivirus has never detected the program as virus, and yet when i tried to connect to the web the first times; that's why i'd said once a time I wanted to. Anyway, it can be considered
Heyo! this is my first thread written to comment a problem that happened few months and then days ago. It's about LiveSplit. As the main problem, once I wanted to join a race on sharing my LiveSplit to a lobby, causing the program crash and DELETING the .exe . I dunno what was wrong, and couldn't open the program again besides there was the starter file livesplit.registerer which also did not worked. So, the purpose of this thread is for the known of this strange concurrence of the .exe deleting himself or anything else and if it's not just happening to me. have a good day!