Pomorskie, Polandhoxi1 year ago

If you mean the list of all ILs found on this page https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/levels (since if you go to the specific ILs it's all there), then this is out of our control. speedrun.com uses the first subcategory for that page for whatever reason, that being the one with 3rd party caps. We'd need to change the order on the whole board to fix that, which we don't want to do (not currently anyways).

Booskop menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi2 years ago

Cheats, no. Skipping cutscenes, yes.

NediBuckets dan UnNameD menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi2 years ago

Console and PC leaderboard split isn't really needed, since in GTA historically people have always ran the fastest available version (especially since the PC versions of the older GTAs like SA can run on pretty much anything that can run Windows applications these days), and the interest for a console/PC split was never high enough to warrant actually going forward with it.

And for some ILs being better on console than on PC, I'm not aware of any ILs that are like that since the switch to RTA from IGT for all ILs on both the original and Remastered/DE leaderboards (on the latter that switch was even more desperately needed since DE allows running the game at 60+FPS natively, which breaks the timers). And even then, yet again there's the point of people just running the fastest available version for a specific category/IL.

sWinTuZ menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion!

We've added Driving School (Bike/Boat School were already there so I think this was an omission when adding ILs originally), Valet and all 3 Courier missions. We've however decided to not add the Yay/Big Smoke's Cash missions since they're missions that don't count towards the completion percentage.

We'll also add them to the Remastered leaderboards to keep that leaderboard in sync with the base game.

sWinTuZ, Rhans, dan Booskop menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi2 years ago

If some tricks get patched in future updates, the community will just prepare downgraders so the tricks can still be used in runs. Not the first time the GTA community would have to deal with patches breaking speedrun tricks.

[QUOTE=Churp]And a pro argument of this, is that you can show so much of the game content that you are being provided, to the general public, and some people are interested in that sort of thing, and they also take it in consideration.[/QUOTE]

The argument about "showing off the game's content" falls flat when talking about Any%. If you want to show off the game's content, why not do All Missions? Or 100%? Any% doesn't show off the game's content nearly enough.

[QUOTE=Churp]PSA, "Glitchless" is NOT considered a "meme run" by the general public, and should ABSOLUTELY NOT be under any circumstance, placed in Category Extensions or on meme leaderboards for a game franchise.[/QUOTE]

I'll need a citation on this one. And I don't see why we should take into consideration opinions of people who've never interacted with the community in any shape or form (also didn't you say you don't care about opinions of people that don't run the game?).

[QUOTE=Churp]And don't start with the absolute bullshit assumption of me "not checking game statistics", because I do check them and take them in consideration. And from what I have seen, the statistics for the VC Remastered boards have runs for both 10 year Anniversary and The Definitive Edition game itself, whereas, the Gta 3 Remastered boards, only have runs that have been done on THE 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION of the game. In short, more of the categories on VC Remastered have actually been ran, compared to the Gta 3 Remastered categories.[/QUOTE]

And those runs for this game are still in queue for verification? Which is a point everyone already addressed multiple times?

The whole attitude of your post just hurts your entire position, you're being an ass to everyone who has responded so far for no real reason. You won't get people to agree with you like that.

[QUOTE=Lordmau5]Which is why I proposed "No Major Glitches" instead like we have it for SA already, for example.[/QUOTE]

No Major Glitches in the same vein as SA's wouldn't fit here, since with the current SA Any% route it borders on a miracle to even finish a run. Here, there's no such problem, the run's easy.

Everyone is putting in so much effort and time into this pointless discussion, which could be spent on something more productive, like doing runs and improving your times.

Pomorskie, Polandhoxi2 years ago

Gaslighting everyone by saying III:DE don't care about the game because they don't want to cater to your desires is childish, manipulative and, most of all, misinformed. If you've done some surface level research in the community Discord, you'd see the moderators do care about the games (all 3 of them) in more ways than just moderating the boards. They help with finding strats, along with comparing differences between DE and the originals (along with different DE versions). Mentioning runs taking a while to verify in the tone that you did isn't exactly painting you in a good light, because as stereotypical said, the mods have at least 21 days to verify a run. And the runs always get verified, maybe a bit later than in the other GTAs, but I don't see it as much of a problem.

All arguments I've seen so far for adding this category seem to just come down to "because I want this!". Which doesn't make much sense, considering how vanilla this game is compared to the original GTA III. DE in comparison is pretty much glitchless.

There's also the case of being condescending to other community members because they don't run this very specific game, therefore their opinion doesn't count. You don't get people on your side by being an ass. And why do opposing opinions from people who don't run the game don't matter, but favorable opinions from the same people are a-okay? What are these double standards?

Pomorskie, Polandhoxi2 years ago

Bringing up other game communities doesn't really do much here in proving your point. Each community run their leaderboards by their own rules. If the Mirror's Edge mods see Glitchless as a fitting category (especially in a glitch heavy game like Mirror's Edge, which GTA III DE is not even close to in terms of glitchiness in runs), why should the GTA III mods do the same thing? What's the point?

And if you find Glitchless fun, just... run it? You don't need a leaderboard to run a category. No one's stopping you.

wolfbloxer06, PeeBee dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi2 years ago

GTA boards historically haven't really added Glitchless categories because the definition of a glitch is really broad (especially with this version of the game) and different for everyone. If you really want such a category, they've usually just been added to the memeboard.

Pomorskie, Polandhoxi3 years ago

Manually re-timed loadless timing will never be as accurate (or equivalent) to the loadless timer used in PC runs. The PC runs were retimed by just remove an average time from existing runs done with the loadless timer, they weren't retimed manually.

Pomorskie, Polandhoxi3 years ago

I fully agree with everything cazpersky said in his post. Such a category wouldn't exactly fit into the IL section of this leaderboard. Maybe it'd be more fit for the Category Extensions?

NediBuckets, Masakovske dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Yakuza 0
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi3 years ago

Nope, LiveSplit isn't needed for Yakuza 0 runs. However if you want to use console streaming, do remember that finales in Yakuza games are usually blocked (on PlayStation anyways), which will possibly cause your run to be rejected.

Pomorskie, Polandhoxi3 years ago

We verify runs in the order we get around to, that's it. I don't see how complaining about verification times is going to help anything.

Your ILs also include a suggestion for a timing change for race ILs, so we've been discussing those as well.

AnakeenSkywalker dan Booskop menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi4 years ago

The issue about the remastered version currently isn't really being discussed because it's not an issue right now due to absolute lack of runs on that version in any other category except Any% (where it is pretty much required). Once runs on that version start popping up, then we'll definitely discuss it.

About verification times, I fully admit, I've been slacking incredibly when it comes to that. And yes, I haven't been checking the forums enough. I'll do my best to rectify that.

And concerning new moderators, Robot and Disko have been doing good work so far, but I personally wouldn't be against having someone that's also more active than me/Caz. It definitely would make the community happier, at least IMO.

Caz going live with a title that Teyn mentioned is definitely inappropiate, and quite honestly, childish. There's no doubt about it, at least I think so.

I'll do my best to be more active, because I've definitely been lacking on that front.

Wizz, Shiinyu dan 9 lainnya menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi4 years ago

He removed it himself

SpeedyFolf menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi4 years ago

The PC version is the odd one in this situation, not the console versions.

Masakovske dan DomoTheRussian menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi4 years ago

If you're thinking in the sense that lines will be shorter, then no. The subtitles have set duration in the script, and the language doesn't affect that. It's been like that since GTA III.

M4IDEN, Korvgyn dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi4 years ago

Correct answers for this test:

  1. allow
  2. disallow
  3. allow frame limiter off
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi4 years ago


This link has illuminati's saves included. I removed the direct link to illuminati's site though.

Thunder dan Booskop menyukai ini
Pomorskie, Polandhoxi4 years ago

Aren't rampages on a fixed timer?

Pomorskie, Polandhoxi4 years ago

SSU in VC doesn't require this, and anyone with half a brain will figure out a way to hide CE from Task Manager.

faulux, LMike dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
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