benang: Axiom Verge
Québecgvirus6 years ago

Hey there!

Here's the link: https://discord.gg/Qhmxz5b

Come share your findings I'm sure sure Codepiece for one would be interested :D

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Québecgvirus7 years ago

Tbh Quo we don't ask for availability because if we did, we know scheduling would be a nightmare. We deal with issues that are complete deal breakers but it is much easier for a runner to make themselves available for their run (and schedule usually comes out fairly early so they have time) than us trying to accommodate everyone submitting. Inb4 no one would want the graveyard shift.

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benang: Axiom Verge
Québecgvirus7 years ago

Never stop never stopping mah man!

benang: Axiom Verge
Québecgvirus7 years ago

Dude I'm late to the party but fuck this is amazing!

benang: The Site
Québecgvirus7 years ago


I was wondering if it was possible for us to delete some runs that were submitted to our marathon? Duplicate entries that we erroneous as well as test entries we had need to be deleted but we realized after the fact that it might be impossible. Are we dumb and can't find it? Or is this something that's not possible at this time?

Here it is: http://www.speedrun.com/No_Reset_Marathon/submissions

Thank you for your time!

benang: The Site
Québecgvirus7 years ago

Hey guys! Quick question: In the foreseeable future would it be possible to delete erroneous submissions from the submissions list for a given marathon? That would be great! Thanks!

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Québecgvirus7 years ago

Hey Flotsa! No need to pay to get in if you're either volunteer/staff or runner! You get a weekend visitor pass which grants you access to the event and the saturday night party! (18+)

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Québecgvirus7 years ago


The event will take place on November 25- 27 Novembre 2016!

Admission is free for everyone! (18+ only) Doors will open on Friday starting at 5pm

Submissions can be sent here: https://goo.gl/hBcSyh.

The marathon will be broadcasted live, without interruption at https://www.twitch.tv/noresetmarathon and will take place at Meltdown Montréal!

People can donate via Paypal or directly by credit card all funds will go towards the Kernicterus Research Centre. Our host shall keep you entertained and all runs will have commentary!

Deln dan Shokushu menyukai ini
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Québecgvirus8 years ago

Hey guys just a little update. Got a new PB for Axiom Verge of 38:08 and getting sub 40 almost every run now with marathon strats. I'm doing a heavy grind week until the first so you will probably hear from me regarding my new PB in the coming days. I really hope the race is happening I would be stoked and honored to race my fellow Axiom Speedsters and going to Sweden would be a first for me so all around hyped for ESA and fingers crossed for the race to happen!

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Québecgvirus8 years ago

Thank you sir!

benang: Axiom Verge
Québecgvirus8 years ago

I'm coming back as well to pwn all you scrubs with okay times. Keepo.

  1. All joking aside yes, video tutorials for any any% and 100% would be great. I'm willing to pitch in for the any% video as well as a series of trick-based tutorials.

  2. I've never TAS'd before so I have no idea. I need to start looking into it.

  3. WoL is a great idea and I would be down with that.

  4. I do want to resume weekly races. Sooner than later (as in, next week) Not only that but some rotating challenges every month would be nice.

All in all, I want to get back into Axiom while maning another game in parallel so I don't get Axiom fatigue. This is my first serious top-tier speedgame and I realized if I overdo it I'm not helping myself. I'm coming for WR and will do a sub-hour run within the next week. I'm possibly going to ESA for a 4-way race so there's that too!

Eclipseful dan BlueyLewis menyukai ini
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Québecgvirus8 years ago

No love for the big boys? XXXL option maybe?

EDIT: I'll even pay extra for it.

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Québecgvirus8 years ago

I just want to say thanks to the judges who gave Axiom Verge a second chance. I ran it at AGDQ2016 and honestly, it wasn't my proudest moment. Run overall went well but, marathon% struck. I know I can do better than that and I have on numerous occasions (just before my AGDQ run, 3 times actually) and I know this is a great speedgame with an amazing, growing community. I'm glad I get to represent it once more.

Thanks again!

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