Virginia, USAfinnaboing4 years ago

This definitely looks like an SMW romhack, so why isn't it labelled as such?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing4 years ago

Why does the Any% Glitchless record have its date as January 1, 1972? That's well before video games were even a thing. Is this a mistake, or was this intentional?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing4 years ago

I mean, it's called the Phoenotopia Awakening Demo v0.06b, so isn't that a prerelease version of Phoenotopia: Awakening?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing4 years ago

For (almost) every game in the Tenchu series, the IL leaderboard has separate categories for runs with different characters. However, for each of the following games: Rittai Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu Tenchu: Stealth Assassins Rittai Ninja Katsugeki Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen Tenchu 2: Birth Of The Stealth Assassins Tenchu 3: Wrath Of Heaven

every category in the IL leaderboards also has subcategories for each character, which makes them redundant. For example, every level in Tenchu 2: BotSA has a Low% Ayame category. However, they all include the subcategory Rikimaru, which I don't think is possible, and they include the subcategory Ayame, which is definitely redundant. My suggestion would be to either remove these "character" subcategories in the IL leaderboards for these games, or to combine all the separate character categories into one and keep the subcategories.

Virginia, USAfinnaboing4 years ago

The rules for Zera's House Ending say to "end timing when the screen fades to green right before the credits." However, the Zera's House Ending doesn't have a fade to green before credits, it just puts you back at the main menu. So, when should I end timing?

Tegron menyukai ini
Virginia, USAfinnaboing4 years ago

There are WAY too many subcategories for this game. I need to zoom out Chrome to 25% to see it all, and even then, I can only barely see the actual times. There's no way that each and every subcategory present makes a significant enough difference to warrant this many of them. Please, for the sake of the board, clean this up as soon as possible.

Virginia, USAfinnaboing4 years ago

Every single time I open this game's page, no matter how many tabs I have open or what quality or brand of computer I open it on, it lags REALLY hard. I'm not sure why, but it's an issue that doesn't happen for me on any other leaderboard on the site. Does anyone know why this is the case?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing4 years ago

This game was released on Switch a couple months ago, shouldn't Switch be added to the list of platforms?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

When you first load up this page, it defaults to the non-existent IL leaderboard. What is the reason for this?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

This board's been up for over a year now, but it hasn't had any categories set up.

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

Why are there two categories named "NG+ Itemless"? The one under the Misc. tab has a URL that says "NG_Itmless" so what's going on here?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

The title should say "Category Extensions" and not "Category Extentions"

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

Any% is the only category for this game, and yet it's been placed under the Misc. tab. Was this an intentional choice? If it wasn't, can it be fixed?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

Both Quests Deathless has two subcategories, First Quest and Second Quest. However, since both quests are played, these subcategories are redundant. Can this be fixed, or is this an intentional decision?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

The URL for this game has two underscores in a row on each side of "hyouibana". The result is this game being read as having two spaces after "Touhou" in spite of the fact that the game's name doesn't have two spaces. Is this intentional, or just a typo?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

Resident Evil 6 is on Switch now, so shouldn't Switch be added to the list of platforms?

Soulless_Persona menyukai ini
Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

The game name says, "Super Mario Bros. X BrokenAce Episdoes." Shouldn't it say, "Super Mario Bros. X BrokenAce Episodes?"

Pear menyukai ini
Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

Because of the URL chosen for GUIDE (https://www.speedrun.com/guide), the game cannot be reached. I would contact the mods, but I can't see who they are because I can't see the game's page. Can someone else please fix this?

Oxknifer menyukai ini
Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

If you look at the cover art picture, it says "Extinction Agenda EX" but the title on the leaderboard is "Exctinction Agenda EX." Is this intentional? If not, is it able to be fixed?

Virginia, USAfinnaboing5 years ago

The level "Angry, Angry Sun" is labelled as "Anrgy, Angry Sun" on the IL leaderboards. Is this able to be fixed?

Wipeoutjack7 dan KilleDragon menyukai ini
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