benang: Speedrunning
United Statesenbee3 years ago


This is the general forums, not the Minecraft forums. You're most likely looking for here:


Pear, TheSecondTry dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United Statesenbee3 years ago

Multiple rickroll submissions pretending to be the record while moderating Superhot .

YUMmy_Bacon5, landus dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
United Statesenbee3 years ago

I'm assuming it was rejected due to the length of the run compared to the length of casually playing through and both being fairly short- if this isn't the case, I would resubmit the game and emphasize that a casual player would spend x hours playing the game but due to practice/game knowledge you can significantly reduce the time it takes to play through it. As mentioned above though, make sure to fix your social links because that will also get you rejected without those or a verified email.

Pear, LOKI_QC, dan Walgrey menyukai ini
United Statesenbee3 years ago

Making an autosplitter is something that anyone can feasibly sit down and do if you'd like to take it on:

United Statesenbee3 years ago

I believe @flipss was planning on adding ILs as I personally didn't feel the need to have them on the board but was okay with someone else taking charge of that if it was wanted. It ends up with a lot of work for moderators in the queue but it does make it more accessible if someone feels like an entire book is too large of a time commitment.

benang: The Site
United Statesenbee3 years ago

I'm assuming there's currently a large backup in the queue- I have a game in there from 17 days ago and they've been pretty consistently grinding through games if you check out Latest Added. Some days there's 30 or so new games added there.

benang: The Site
United Statesenbee3 years ago

https://www.speedrun.com/pendingactions shows if something is still in the queue. Notification on the site as well, though I'm not sure they've ever notified me by email.

benang: The Site
United Statesenbee3 years ago

Think it just fuels the misconception that speedrunning is fully obsessed with WRs and not self-improvement and community efforts to bring the time of a game down. People can enjoy the grind and WRs can be impressive showcases of a community's work on a game but I think new runners or casual viewers get the wrong idea that there's no reason to even try or watch if getting the best time ever in a game/category isn't on the table right now.

I run a lot of obscure games but I'm much more proud of a third place time in a game like Lovely Planet where I've personally helped route and put a ton of effort into it as opposed 90% of those "WRs" where it was a lot lower effort. Pushing each other to improve and coming up with a good showcase of all the game has to offer is more important, whether that ends up being in the context of getting the best time or not.

mick2007, Quinn_of_Sweden dan 10 lainnya menyukai ini
United Statesenbee3 years ago

Right click LiveSplit -> Compare Against -> Game Time

benang: Speedrunning
United Statesenbee3 years ago

Seeing little showcases of games people are working on or generally just showing off progress on a game seems pretty fun. I tend to jump around as well so it probably is something that would be interesting.

What I'd want to avoid is someone just throwing a game into the void that has had very minimal effort put towards it or basically an unrouted game they want someone else to run. As long as there's an expectation that some work has been done with it and some effort is put into the post, I don't really see it missing the point.

WeirdAlex03 menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
United Statesenbee3 years ago

If you're interested in a game and enjoy playing it, definitely start putting some time into exploring it and trying to route it out. Game requests can take a variable amount of time to be approved but it's not necessary to have a board on here to start looking into it and doing runs. You'll need a run to link to anyways during the request process.

benang: Speedrunning
United Statesenbee3 years ago

Some recommendations that might help:

  • Take things in smaller chunks. Shorter games. singular levels or segments- trying to do the best you can in a more limited space will make the experience a lot less daunting for learning. When I learn games, I tend to do it very segmented and start bringing the levels or sections together as I feel more comfortable with them alone.

  • The games you picked are definitely fairly glitch-heavy, but also should have some resources due to their popularity. If you look up the game on the site, usually there is something found in Guides or a Discord server that can be joined to ask for advice. The community on the whole is very friendly to newcomers, especially those making an effort with learning and trying to improve.

  • Trying to route (routing just meaning 'the path you take through the level') a level without looking at the existing run can be a fun exercise that helps get you away from what's frustrating you. It isn't for everyone, but if you enjoy the discovery of figuring things out and thinking through the puzzle of the game, that might give you some motivation and a deeper appreciation for the years of effort put into these games.

  • Breaks are always good, and sometimes all you need to do is sleep on it or step away to see things in a different light.

Ivory dan ckellyspeedruns menyukai ini
United Statesenbee4 years ago

Reach out once you've done individual level runs if you'd like them added. If you'd like to moderate for the board I'm more than happy to let someone more knowledgeable or with more time run it.

flipss menyukai ini
United Statesenbee4 years ago

I would be fine with allowing an hour long break when you're at the menu screen but I'm open to whatever runners think is fair. I'd rather people be healthy with doing something like this and not strain their wrist/etc.

Imaproshaman menyukai ini
benang: Karma Miwa
United Statesenbee4 years ago

Zombie Glitch allows you to take unlimited hits from all sources except for pits which will instant kill regardless.

During the zombie state, checkpoints can still be activated. Collecting a coin breaks the zombie state but restores the player to full health. Music will be broken after the death sound effect is played, but other sound effects will still happen.

Clip of glitch being discovered:

The glitch can be performed by pausing roughly half a second before receiving damage while already hurt. If timed too late, the player will reset to the last checkpoint, but if timed too early, the normal death animation will play. If no death animation plays and the player is labeled 'Dead', the glitch is now active.

Upon finishing a level during the zombie state, the game will complete the level normally. However, once all the lives are removed to add to the score, the game will send the player back to the start, and enable practice mode.

Despite this, the next level is still unlocked and the level is counted as complete, even in this state. Proof with save info deleted beforehand:

This glitch will be useful for later levels in the run where waiting on enemy cycles is more constant, but likely not for Area A.

benang: Owl Watch
United Statesenbee4 years ago

Avoids the longest remaining gem in the game and is fairly doable. Only issue is you have a single chance at it (you have to go through the entire gem path again to try another time), but doing it second try is still faster than doing the normal way perfectly.

United Statesenbee4 years ago

At the time it was posted I think that was not an option yet- added now.

United Statesenbee4 years ago

You're free to run any category it if you'd like, regardless of it being on the board. Personally it would fit better on Category Extensions but even then it would be pretty redundant and arbitrary in my personal opinion.

Famaro menyukai ini
benang: Ginseng Hero
United Statesenbee4 years ago

Right click >> Compare Against >> Game Time

Tentang enbee
don't check here much, message me outside of the site or request mod if im the only mod for a game.
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