benang: 1001 Spikes
Florida, USAdoubletaco8 years ago

Alright! Since there's been no objections, the race is TODAY! Join the Discord if you haven't (PM me on twitch or ping me on twitter if you need an invite), and we'll be good to go later on!

benang: 1001 Spikes
Florida, USAdoubletaco8 years ago

Alright, I've got my SRL account setup. I guess you can't "schedule" stuff, but let's get the info set:

The current scheduled time for this race is: Saturday, August 27th at 6:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) In GMT that is 10:00 PM / 22:00

If this doesn't work for anyone, feel free to propose a different time. My schedule is pretty flexible, as long as it's in the evening/night of US Eastern time. I'm not sure of the scheduling of the previously mentioned French speedrunning community event, so if there's a conflict we can move the time/date.

benang: 1001 Spikes
Florida, USAdoubletaco8 years ago

Whoops, twitch filtered it to spam so I didn't see it initially. Joined!

Think this is something we should just put as a sticky on the forum? Don't see any real reason to keep it super private in case anyone wants to hop in and ask about turnning the game.

benang: 1001 Spikes
Florida, USAdoubletaco8 years ago

Awesome! I've never really set up a SRL race before so I'm not too sure on the who/what/etc to do, but I'll start looking into it.

As far as a day goes, how about sometime next saturday (August 27th, 2016)? Once we get a date down we can find out what time works for everyone.

benang: 1001 Spikes
Florida, USAdoubletaco8 years ago

I've been following 1001 Spikes on Twitch and noticed there's been a small handful of people picking the game up for speedrunning.

Since this is literally the first on the forum I'm not sure on the visibility, but I'd love to maybe get an Ukampa Any% race day put together at some point this month or next, since that sounds like it'd be a ton of fun.

Would anyone else be down?

benang: Pause Ahead
Florida, USAdoubletaco8 years ago

I rejected a run today based on the Nihil intro skip glitch. Here's my reasoning why:

The only way to trigger this glitch, starting from the title screen, is to do an entire run up until you reach Nihil, and pass the intro. At that point you reset, and do another run. When you get to Nihil again, the intro is skipped.

I feel this glitch should only be counted if you include the first run into your time. If anyone feels this is unfair or wrong, please feel free to voice your opinion here. I don't want to seem like I'm denying runs that challenge records, I just don't think that qualifies as a single-segment run.


benang: Pause Ahead
Florida, USAdoubletaco8 years ago

As of now I think yes. I just started running this game about a month ago and would love to have it expanded a bit. e.g. adding a couple more categories (I like running All Secrets).

For recording, you could use any number of screen recording stuff (fraps, dxtory, OBS local, etc). I play the game via loading the .swf in a standalone flash player which makes it easy to capture.

Tentang doubletaco
8 years ago
3 years ago
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Pause Ahead
Pause Ahead
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