benang: We Happy Few
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

Can gladly write here telling that I'm going to work on my own routing of the game once I'm done with my first 100% completed playtrough.

Always feel free to drop by my stream now and then. I'm not going to look at others routs at first instead do my thing since the game is so big and complex that you can make a run in so many diff ways.

Looking forward to see your ideas of the game and I hope you will enjoy my take of it as well.

Stream is every day on pinkfluffyunicornTV As Arthur would say, cherio!

Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

thank you zawj <3

Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

can you please post the info to turn on all the boxes in the game. I used to have this but then I lost it a long time ago and i would greatly appreciate it for my derusting of the game.

benang: Grim Dawn
Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Yeah I'm slow as fuck.. So far my pb is 1.43 from start to finish of ng. Doing more practice today and my goal is to shave at least 20 more minutes somehow.

The reson why these things bother me so much is that people outside of the game don't understand it since the leader board is completely misleading. I have people coming in asking why I don't do this or this when I stream it and always have to reply that I'm doing glitchless. Even most videos on youtube doesn't mention it in either title or information down below and I have to keep flip trough videos to then always discover the glitch in the beginning of it which is really frustrating.

All I'm saying is it just feels that the leader board as of now need a huge update so people understand what they are watching.

Anyhow like I said, I'll just continue my learning and practice atm. I made some changes to the route that I was watching but I only know if it's an improvement after I get faster in general.

Also to end this conversation every game I know usually have an excluded discord channel for this sort of thing which I feel would make the whole thing even easier. Instead of joining separated peoples discord channels as people have suggested to do, maybe look into making one solely for this so communication is easier.

Boarum menyukai ini
benang: Grim Dawn
Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

I have to say I find the leaderbords extremely misleading since the only ng runs on this page is run with glitches and the Crucible expansion.

This is sad since the fact I just started this but doing glitchless runs without the Crucible as a ng category and because of that has nothing to compare myself with.

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Planks signing up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Sixtynl signed up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

TheSwedishTroll, Mane11354, Seppcp, SirBaffles, KalarMar added irl

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

popeter45 signed up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Richards840 added irl

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

English_Ben update noted

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Dhrgr and alko signed up in person

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

einea5mk signed up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

one signed up from talking to me, koston signed up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Famarok signed up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

paintball was sadly canceled since i got ain injuri in my hands/arms so i was unable to plan and book everything in time.. thats why we instead created team bowling that we have had since before :)

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Ilyasio signed up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Oromit signed up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Harpa signed up trough discord

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Team Bowling Update: Date and time has been set, thursday at 14 the bowling starts. Price per person is 80 sek for the bowling to join. Price for the food dep on what you order at the restaurant ofc. The bowling will serve us both their 10 lanes and their shuffleboard so you have stuff to do the entire time.

They also open up before their own opening ours cause its a special event for us and them. They will open their doors already at 13.45 so we will try to be there around 13.45 which means we change out meeting time till around 13.15 so we can get to the buss and everythingin time.

At the restaurant we will have the quiz first and then the food after, they will help us out with everything from sound and tv monitors if needed.

Welcome to team bowling!

Sign up trough the forum or pm me on dicsord. Signups at the event is also possible, just remember that if you sign up and then decide not to show you have to pay for your bowling slow since the group discount etc.

Tentang curseddolls
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