Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo2 years ago

yes, the lenght of it is problematic, thank you very much for setting up the categories for each eras.

As for the full fledge thing, it's a matter of who will have the capacity and will to do it the first !

Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo3 years ago

If people are interested, we may eventually proposed a kind of 100 % category, where you have to get every Rivals Mode Awards. So basically : Any% would be simply beating Rivals Mode to get the Greatest of All Time award ( roughly 5 hours) 100% would be beating Rivals Mode and getting every Awards (mainly from Tiger Woods challenges) ( roughly 7hours ?)

What do you think ?

Grapevine menyukai ini
Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo3 years ago

Proposed rule : "complete Greek Isles, Red Rock Creek and Central Park, in Stroke Play. You may choose to play the courses in any order" Variants :

  • Tour Difficulty
  • Max Difficulty
  • Par or Better
Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo3 years ago

This is a thread for a proposition to future potential runners for the game : devising an individual level category with the maximum difficulty for the course settings :

Tiger Tees Tiger Proofing Level 6 Greens speed : Very fast Greens hardness : very hard Pin location : expert Wind : Storm Rain : Variable (i think it's harder when rain changes randomly ?) Difficulty : Tour (no possibility of changing spin while flying, and no boost)

I think that would be an interesting category, but i think it would be best to wait for some other players to talk about it, since it's not a native category proposed by the game.

Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo3 years ago

yeah, it seems that being able to skip animations and cutscenes as much as possible is paramount to a good time, so hopefully, punch shots can help that !

Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo3 years ago

Hello, i would like to ask for the opinion of the community : trying to emulate a technique from Mario Golf Toadstool Tour, i tend to always play punch shots, at least on the tee shots. But, i'm not sure after this is the best way to go fast, since the roll is longer. What do you think ?

Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo4 years ago

Yeah, i think this "course" is a bit odd to add to the rotation. But in any case, i won't include it, it is simply too troublesome, and the discs shows signs of degradation after some practice runs, plus the fact that it increases the risk of a console crash, i already get that twice. My console is old, i don't have real means to repair it, and the discs themselves are not in the best shape since i've got them from second hand reseller.

But i would like the mod to clearly indicate what is the rule. It would be a shame to add a run, and then see it rejected because of that. If the rule includes the Tiger Dream 18 as mandatory, i won't post a run.

Perhaps splitting categories ?

benang: Speedrunning
Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo4 years ago

The three versions were released in close succesion, but the north american version came first. Perhaps using that name would be more legitimate then ? I do have the PAL version of the game, but i've never seen anybody else play it outside of a very few videos on YouTube, therefore i don't know which version is the more well known

Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo4 years ago

I'm thinking about giving a go to "All courses", but the prospect to have to change discs throughout Tiger Dream 18 is scaring me. Is this course comprised in the rule ? (Since it's a comilation of other holes ?)

Midi-Pyrénées, Franceclarinetjo7 years ago

Hello, i'm making this post in order to introduce myself. I'm a french musician ( so sorry in advance for mistakes ) who do Mario Golf Toadstool Tour speedruns in his free time, so i won't be very regular ! I've been in love with MGTT for many years, and i've been really impressed by the speedruns i've seen, especially MetalYoshi exciting runs ! I'm planning to do mainly Speed Golf mode for the individual levels of the game, i hope to reach at least decent times !

Unfortunately, my current hardware don't allow me to propose a good video quality, and i'm pretty new to things like camera angles, lights and editing, so the production value will be cheap for some times i'm afraid.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for making this site available !

have a nice day.


Tentang clarinetjo
I'm a musician. I'm not often here, but i always come back to check things up !
7 years ago
4 months ago
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