benang: Portal
clairevoyance9 days ago

a viewsnap is setting in-game sensitivity to an extremely high and precise value to perfectly aim a shot or angle, to do a strat with one only really requires knowing the sensitivity for the given route and how to set up the starting angle (typically entering a floor portal, since your yaw gets reset)

with the sst plugin used in runs (see resources) pretty much everyone sets sst_mouse_factor 20 to emulate lowering their mouse dpi so its a little easier

loriswit menyukai ini
benang: Portal
clairevoyance1 month ago

oob is easier to learn than inbounds and arguably less competitive for most of the leaderboard, only tight around top 7

nosla does need unpack for edgeglitch

benang: Portal
clairevoyance1 month ago

to start probably inbounds; inbounds has a very diverse route while oob has some strats which can get kinda repetitive

ask a hundred people and youll get a hundred different answers for a thousand different reasons, it really just depends what looks the most interesting to you. watch record for both and choose or flip a coin, can always switch later :P

Lyren dan Aben menyukai ini
benang: Portal
clairevoyance2 months ago

you have to do a saveload as well (ie. bind # "save savename;load savename;fps_max <value>")

benang: Portal
clairevoyance2 months ago

wouldnt necessarily give an advantage afaik but yeah spt cant be loaded at all during runs

benang: Portal
clairevoyance2 months ago

The exact differences are listed in the category rules. Legacy prohibits vaultskip (in 00), vertical angle glitches (VAG, in 17), and angle glitch saveglitch (AGSG, in e01), and is therefore slower. If you don't do those strats, probably submit to legacy. Unrestricted has less players mostly because of vaultskip, which is very random in noSLA, making it very frustrating to run, along with including a couple of glitches people felt ran against the idea of the category and were grouped in. People tend to prefer how legacy plays, and it's where the competition is and has been anyway.

Stupid_french menyukai ini
benang: Portal
clairevoyance2 months ago

you just directly replace the v_portalgun.vtf file in [unpack dir]/portal/materials/models/weapons/v_models with the custom texture vtf file

Movercell menyukai ini
benang: Superliminal
clairevoyance3 months ago

cap fps to 60, along with letting you jump slightly higher object rotational speed is tied to framerate, will be slower on higher fps

loriswit dan white_sedan menyukai ini
benang: Portal
clairevoyance4 months ago

who cares lol the server isnt a mod cult ur just being annoying now

you havent shown any interest in speedrunning in there since january and harbor this much vitriol towards admins and active people in there, why so obsessed about being banned ??

benang: Portal
clairevoyance4 months ago

not sure how any admin is the petty one here when you have repeatedly been angry at sarah both here and in the discord for throwaway comments and complained that the server having space for a general discussion on something indirectly brought up by you is attacking you specifically and labeling you a transphobe, and detracting from its purpose of being a "recreational space for speedrunning".

very lol to feel entitled to ask for a public apology from an admin that made you mad for such a minor and impersonal thing on such a public forum (even if people barely use src forums), and then act condescending towards mods in a server that before yesterday you hadnt interacted in for 4 months

yes some kids could have calmed down when they contributed to mocking but if youre such an adult please stop spamming src forums, its getting boring

Hymind menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
clairevoyance5 months ago

latest steampipe is fine for glitchless and has native high fov support and such, for glitched categories its generally worse aside from some very difficult routes.

Lyren menyukai ini
jalankan: Portal
clairevoyance7 months ago

fake run clearly @Abqehxben

jalankan: Portal
clairevoyance7 months ago

portal supports dx8 and dx9, sid plays with dx8

benang: Portal
clairevoyance7 months ago

to be able to moderate you have to know about the speedrun and work with people on moderating rules related to the speedrun; to do this you have to have run/know a lot about the game and the run

Althea_Rightclick, Lyren dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Portal
clairevoyance7 months ago

very interesting move to ask for mod without interacting at all or even running (also re: "mod of 69420 games" personally i would Not trust someone with that many games to look at to be properly responsible with any single one xdd)

benang: Portal
clairevoyance7 months ago

3420 does not have radios outside of the vault, which makes it bad for inbounds, and some movement quirks make it unoptimal for noSLA and awful for glitchless, along with it being more unstable. It's mostly just used for one trick (egg) in highish level out of bounds, and has most glitches also in 5135.

Tidak diketahui
clairevoyance9 months ago

"most perfect portal runs are highly rng based"

artisiole, theReallyNooby, dan SMOFan_5 menyukai ini
benang: Portal 2
clairevoyance10 months ago

watch single player SLA record

EllaTAS dan Rigno menyukai ini
jalankan: Portal
clairevoyance11 months ago

any% inbounds

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