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bluewiregaming7 years ago

Jesus people. I'm trying to tell you: THIS WILL NOT BLOW OVER

They (the community leaders) will still write me off as just some troll REJECT MY RUNS FOR NO GOOD REASON and then proceed to ignore me once more. Theyve already said they don't want to resolve this with me. What am I to do? Just quit?

edit: still gotta love that nobody wants to talk about holding the moderators accountable.

Edit 2: If i were to 'chill' out what does that entail? How long do I have to sit on the sidelines? How long can I not submit runs? Furthermore will there be any investigation into the Moderators wrong doings? I'd just like these answered before I 'shut it' as I'm sure You'd all like me to.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Seriously though how are other speedrunners not finding this sickening? A gross misuse of power and a player being stomped on by nearly everyone in that community.

What happened srdc... What happened...

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benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

I'll "chill out" if you can actually prove that they will speak with me on the matter. If you can prove this will bring actual resolution. But you can't because talking to them for even 5 seconds you would learn that they want nothing to do with me and WILL NOT HEAR ME OUT. Jesus people how do you not understand that being quiet isn't going to do anything, I was quiet before and that resolved nothing. Again though lets just completely ignore what the actual issue is about and focus on me posting IN THE ONLY PLACE THEY CANT BAN ME FROM. -.-

Furthermore: (edited on) I do not simply wish to resolve this particular issue but also the lack of objective moderation. Rejecting runs because you don't like someone? That doesn't sound very mod-like. (AND YES, SHIFT AS WELL REJECTED MY RUNS WITH LITTLE TO NO EXCUSE. IT GOES ALL THE WAY UP TO THE TOP)

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

THAT WILL NOT DO ANYTHING JESUS I've said this already. THEY WONT EVEN CONTACT ME KEK. How the heck am supposed to resolve this with them when theyve literally said 'I wont accept his apology' ' I dont want him in my community'

THIS WILL NOT JUST COOL OFF And if there was even a peak into all of this you'd come to find that they are abusing Mod powers for personal problems.

Doing NOTHING will solve NOTHING. Even if I did "chill out for a bit" THEY WOULDNT AGREE TO TALK TO ME AFTER!

And lets not forget this all started when THEY rejected my run and removed my old ones. Still don't hear anyone talkin about that bit -.-

I had not been in contact with them before, I had no interest in contacting them but when they have a MONOPOLY over the leaderboards and can unanimously decide to reject my runs I feel like YEA IT MIGHT BE TIME TO GET A HOLD OF THESE GOONS. BUT NOPE I'm just some troll to them and not even worth talking too.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Well what the heck am I supposed to do? Bend over and take it?

I just want my damn runs back up and the ability to submit again without fear of instant rejection for petty reasons.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

"If it cools off," @kirkq I AM TELLING YOU IT WONT IT HASNT IN THE PAST. hell I hadnt interacted with them in a month before this. The reasons for all the posts is to try and get help. Im banned from their discords, shifts blocked me on twitter. Im willing to talk this outr but THEY ARENT! THEY EVEN SAID IT THEMSELVES THAT THEY WILL NOT ACCEPT AN APOLOGY AND DONT WANT ME IN THEIR COMMUNITY.

My apologies for brutish display, this whole situation just really upsets me and it seems like your saying its fine that they just step all over me. I know you arent saying that but it seems thsat way. Are they not to be held accountable for abusing power?! Why were my runs unfairly rejected? why were my OLD ALREADY VERIFIED runs taken down? Will their be reprocussions for mods who abuse power? These have not been answered and the only solution I've been given is just deal with it. Laying low for a while won't help. These guys actuallly have it in thier (and all their friends) heads that i'm some troll who doesnt even play the game. That is just factually incorrect and an insult to me personally. I have nothing but the utmost admiration for the game and speedrunning in general.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

¤edited @kirkq your right: 1 of those mods doesn't hate me entirely. Also the spite from ringo, and miles at least comes directly from SHiFTs personal problem with me. I did not have "argumentative comments" on the first one. It simply said

"I'll have to dig up the video for this one. Could be butter

Pretty sure I missed the fancy Taxi Skip

~your fave troll "

That is not argumentative. The only reason I have been excessively posting here and in the BFBB forums is because they literally will not talk this out with me. They have banned and blocked me from everything they can. They have said they don't want me in the community and won't accept any kind of apology (not that they were gonna get one that easily) and still I'm here left asking what am I to do? If I just chill and come back the same thing will just happen later. They will reject those runs too.

FURTHERMORE WHY THE HECK DID THEY REMOVE MY OLD RUNS!? out of spite, thats why. They do have a personal vendetta against me (shift at the very least) and beause ringo the other mod unjustly rejected my run SHIFT ran to his defense. I have tried to contact them and resolve this issue but they just keep writing me off as some troll.

Are we still acting like theyve done nothing wrong :(

edited once more: "There's some gray area between dealing with people supposedly being a nuisance and objective moderation of boards." So we are in agreement that its one or the other? Me actually being a provocative troll and trying to encite a reaction OR them displaying bias in their rejection of my runs. I would be glad to hash out the details of this predicament to prove that I have no intention of even interacting with them beyond this. I literally just wanted to submit runs and play the damn game. I had already accepted being ousted from their community with the realisation that I could still submit runs. NOPE, not any more. I apparently can't even have credit for my old ones.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Also: Im pretty sure I've been removed from the streamers list or whatever for BFBB (when I stream under the game name, whereas I used to show up) I no longer appear.

Add that to the list ;P

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Ahaha It was a bit of an inside joke chicken ;P Shift said Im a troll cause I run meme categories kek (even though I do any%) Anyway I'd be down to route it out ;P lets race sometime @McChicken

bluewiregaming7 years ago

But guyssss! Running MEME categories makes you a troll!

benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

My apologies @Racingmoster If I come off as attacking you. I do not mean to do so I am just very passionate about speedrunning and have felt that I have been dealt a cruel injustice. I do apologize for my sharp and coarse tone. I didn't intend to put off that vibe but having calmed down and re-read my posts I see that those could be taken as some affront against you. I'll attempt to keep my cool when responding in the future however I am still left with the question of what am I to do?

I do extremely appreciate you reaching out and trying to resolve this issue. It means a great deal to me that you at least wanted to see both sides. Furthermore thankyou for asking/getting an admin to review my submissions.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

@racingmonster really? Are we just going to take their word that I'm toxic and don't belong in the community? (who should even decide who does and doesn't "BELONG" in the community) hell Im freinds with several people within the community and they surely wouldnt call me toxic. Just because SHIFT and the other mods hate me should not be justification for PURGING my runs and completely ousting me from the community. This is just abhorrent..

"your apparent arguements and toxicity you are currently in with all of them. " What arguments? The arguments I have made have all been valid. That is no reason to be erased from the community -.- becasue they don't like my 'arguments'

I had not reached out or messed with them at all before this interaction for about a month (a month ago was the discord ban I think)

"I tried to get your runs to stay but they don't want anything with you in the community" So flippin what if they (the upper circle-jerk) don't want anything to do with me in the community. That is not grounds for banning someone and rejecting/taking down their runs. Is this not proof that this whole issue is out of spite and that they are abusing power.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

still confused on what " rude things" I said in those comments. to clarify "Is what bluewiregaming said true, that his initial posts had no comment at all, and were rejected anyway?" not exacly I did not mean to mislead you if I have. The original had: "I'll have to dig up the video for this one. Could be butter

Pretty sure I missed the fancy Taxi Skip

~your fave troll " This was for the 3:39 I submitted the other day(that started this all). To clarify further they hate me and call me a 'troll' hence the JOKE at the END. Not rude -.- also the other submissions I had to resubmit just said stuff like the 'reasons' they put for rejecting that specific run. EXAMPLE HERE: REJECTED the first time with no excuse. Literally just "yea probably not" from ringo.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago


" I think them deciding to keep rejecting his runs for the rudeness is fair, even though they can wipe the comment"

Rudeness is subjective, I could label their treatment of me as rude. Doesnt make it objectively true. If they can wipe the comment why didnt they and also if they are that fragile that "~your favorite troll" is enough to tear them to pieces should they really be in charge of moderating this stuff?

My apologies if Im taking a rather sour tone with you Racing. I am just extremely upset at this injustice

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

The mods have told me that his runs have comments in them that have rude and insultive to the mods and they think he will continue to do so.

Was PROOF PROVIDED? or is this just here-say? Taking their word at face value or what?

THE ORIGINAL RUN I SUBMITTED THAT WAS REJECTED JUST HAD THE COMMENT: I'll have to dig up the video for this one. Could be butter

Pretty sure I missed the fancy Taxi Skip

~your fave troll



YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

And they still call this "shitposting" and say they will not give me any of their time to talk this out. Theyve rejected my runs out of spite and for no reason, unfairly and unjustly called me a troll and then Im told to just deal with it? To just allow myself to be walked all over? Seriously how are people justifying this as NOT being a gross misuse of power. They freaking removed my OLD ALREADY APPROVED RUNS. What right do they have to do that for NO REASON. This is not the Speedrun.com I remember

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

"Why should a runner have to apologize to a mod to have a valid run posted here? If mods can't be objective shoudln't they stand down?"


And racing, are you saying what I think you are saying? They should just be allowed to step on whoever they want with no reprocussion whatsoever? THEY ARE DISPLAYING BIAS

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

calling me a "toxic prick"

Real mature for the freaking leader of a community -.-

I literally just wanted to submit runs. I didn't care about them, I had gotten over my discord ban. And now I cant even submit runs


YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago


What evidence have they provided for these claims? DOES THIS EXCUSE THEM FOR ABUSING POWER?


literally what Am I to do?

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