British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing11 months ago

@Delzen I just manually typed your username for the @ XD I don't think there is an auto complete feature

Yeah I don't think regular lightning has any nexthitdelay. Souls wouldnt be so scary if that were the case

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing11 months ago

@Delzen assigning stats is weird because if you click too fast it won't register... there's a sweet spot for how fast you can click. I basically aim for 5-9 stat point allocations per map click, and 2-4 skill points

Nexthitdelay only applies to the shock webs not the lightning sentries, to my knowledge. I stack them though mostly to use up the Mana Regen from the potion since it over-regens

Shenk I avoided killing because staying on p8 for the item drops from chests was better I think I think I tried both killing him and not killing him. I think the amount of potions you need you can get away with not killing him

Appreciate your comment, good luck with the runs!

Delzen menyukai ini

what sort of advantages would someone have with nofpsfix=false? does it allow faster than 25 fps menuing or is it purely cosmetic?

if there is no advantages I'd say it could be allowed, but if it allows better menuing then I'm not sure

immediate edit: by better menuing I mean performing actions that you otherwise couldn't do without the fpsfix

Trying to install the new d2dx - the only install directions are "copy the glide3x.dll file to diablo folder" but there is no glide3x.dll file in the package - am I missing something? is there a compile step? Not very often I use github

edit: Nevermind I guess source code is the default when you try to download something on there LUL

benang: Noita

Can we guarantee that someone won't/can't modify the script to insert a known (to them) seed at any point?

Another note, when I play window mode, the mouse actually lets you move your mouse past the visible screen to the right if you don't have the mouse locked to the window. I think this varies from setup to setup, but worth noting, as I could run for longer to the right with my inventory open before stopping than I could run to the left with my character sheet open

RN_Jesus0 menyukai ini

It mostly comes down to clicking in between menuing - if moving right I always clicked to move, opened inventory, did a thing or two while character moved, closed the inventory, clicked to move, opened inventory...... if moving left I usually kept the inventory open and it was a lot more mouse movement, but clicking to move in between each inventory action

And yes you can hold the mouse down while looking at your inventory to keep moving, so you can decide what inventory actions you want to do, unclick, do all your inventory movement and hopefully close your inventory and click again before you stop moving

I also had the habit of using action frames to my advantage to do tiny inventory actions. For example, for some swings of the weapon or cast of a spell, it'll take like 1/4 of a second to finish casting, so that 1/4 of a second I can open my inventory and belt or drink a potion. I did that a lot while teleporting right as a sorc, or in between war cries while doing a hell barb run back in the day, as examples

RN_Jesus0 menyukai ini
British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing2 years ago

there's also when saving and exiting, there's the lockup between when you click save/quit and before a black screen happens (the spinninng pentagons stop spinning for example), as far as I know that counts as a load and would be hard to read with video detection algorithm

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing3 years ago

I would be willing to moderate such a board, just need to catch up on things now that I'm off work

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing3 years ago

In-game time, or Time Without Loads was implemented because we collectively decided -ns was a bad idea, removing the enjoyment of playing and watching the game for many runners and fans of Diablo, and in the same breath we realized that save/quit times were very inconsistent between people's individual installs of diablo 2 - some people consistently had better save/quit times than others, and this was decidedly not fair to runners who had the slower load times and therefor could not effectively utilize the strats other runners were using to get faster times

As for comparing RTA to IGT times from one run to another, the whole purpose of IGT across speedruns as a whole is to see what the time would look like if you only consider segments of time that gameplay is able to happen. If you use a strat that makes you encounter more loading screens, of course there's going to be a larger difference between RTA/IGT than in a run that uses strats where you save/quit less. I'm not sure what exactly is the purpose of comparing this is.

Regarding TCP/IP load times to not be removed, this was decided because the majority felt that removing tcp/ip loading would be far too beneficial and we should leave it in as a sort of "price to pay" for using the strat.

We could discuss removing TCP/IP loads from IGT again and see where the majority of runners stand on it

Personally, I always thought it was weird that it was decided that an explicit loading screen was to remain in the "without loads" time, but I was not present for that particular discussion due to work. I've played a healthy handful of sorc jail grinds and my vote would definitely be that removing TCP/IP loads would make it far more enjoyable to grind, and remove any "picky choosy" of load time removal

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing3 years ago

Is it necessary to remove "Any%" for the titles for the sake of a slightly cleaner layout? I only worry about the possibility of 100% runs in the future which still occasionally has some interest, and the naming convention for speedruns determining the completion requirements has always been this way. we might not have a 100% category solidified but the nature of completing our runs falls in line with "Any%" like any other game

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing3 years ago

Hey all, the category and game rules have been cleaned up and clarified a bit (a bit overdue, sorry!) please let me know if there needs to be any further clarification

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing3 years ago

Hey everyone, yesterday at 8:00 AM PST, ten of us met in discord to discuss the above points and decide if any changes to the current rules or way we verify runs needs to take place. The conclusions that we came to will be noted below:

You can now choose between RTA and IGT in your submissions. It's no longer a requirement to display both timing methods correctly to have a run verified. IGT is still recommended though, and if the timer is not working correctly runs will default to using RTA

Partially muted videos (such as muted sections in vods from playing copyrighted music) will no longer automatically be rejected, however fully muted vods will be rejected (-ns is still banned!)

Broken videos will always be rejected. Make sure you record your runs locally in case of disconnects etc!

We are changing to a 2-column leaderboard for timing methods. IGT will be default and runs that don't have IGT will have their IGT be RTA.

A trouble shooting guide for setting up the IGT timer will be made

more clear guidelines for video submissions will be made

Main categories (Any% Normal, Any% Hell) will be merged with P1/PX/P8 categories. The main categories will soon look like this: Normal P1, Normal Px, Normal P8, Hell P1, Hell Px, Hell P8

Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussion. If you missed out on the conversation and would like to add your own input, feel free to discuss the topics further here, or reach out to one of the moderators with any questions or concerns. We will continue to have these sorts of discussions if and when required.

Happy running!

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing3 years ago

For reference, here are the pinned messages in question:

Hey all,

This is a draft of what I am able to gather are concerns that we can address. I present these minutes, in an order I think is most important/pressing, with which we can discuss and try to come up with a plan for a potential new set of rules to help the community come to an agreement and we can move forward with a new and better year of speedrunning D2:

  1. Are we deterring new runners from getting involved in speedrunning D2?

  2. Are we deterring current runners from continuing to be involved in speedrunning D2?

  3. Should moderators be able to make exceptions to the main rules for verifying a run provided there is other circumstancial evidence supporting the run? To what extent should mods be able to exercise these exceptions? What other pieces of evidence can a mod use to help verify questionable or improperly recorded runs?

  4. Should runners be able to appeal a rejected run? What should the process be?

  5. Should In Game Time remain a requirement for run submissions? If so, should we start manually retiming top runs for IGT? If not, do we keep it as an option and only retime if times are close enough together?

  6. Should we use stricter rules for top runs and more lax rules for regular runs?

  7. Should we have more community involvement when it comes to verifying top runs? or, should a team of verifiers verify or reject a run instead of just one verifier?

8 ) should we "roll back to before all the rules changed" and work up from there?

  1. Are we really at risk of cheaters attempting to submit cheated runs? Are the rules we have in place now enough, or too much? Are there enough instances of cheaters to justify strict rules? If we have the less strict rules and people do attempt to cheat, is leaving it up to the community to catch them enough?

  2. What are some "video submission standards" that we can all agree on to improve the likelihood that runs won't be rejected due to improperly cut VODs?

Do not respond to these questions yet, this is more or less a draft of minutes before we start any additional discussion, and may yet need to add or change anything I missed or overlooked. That being said, are there any other issues that should be considered or I missed? I'll add more minutes if necessary. Then, we can create a more formal discussion going through each of the minutes as individually as practical, to prevent circling back to the same issues. The discussions will be held tentatively on a weekend after March 23rd, exact date and time to be announced. I'll keep 327's inital message pinned in the #general_d2_rules channel for those who wish to go back up and review all that had been discussed in here again when thinking about their input to the minutes.

Daz86 dan Inv1ve menyukai ini
British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing3 years ago

hey everyone!

This Sunday, March 28, 8:00 AM PST we'll be discussing some aspects of how we handle run submissions in this discord. https://discord.gg/rj7j8ZvBeB . The topics to discuss are pinned in the #discussion_lists channel

The discussion will be held in voice chat but you can discuss in both text and voice form, as long as you are able to listen in on the discussion. I will be recording/scribing the discussion to generate a solid set of minutes we can refer to if there are to be changes made.

Ideally, all mods and verifiers should be present, and as many active speedrunners as we can. If you can't make it but would still like to participate, let me know. if necessary we can schedule another meeting to include people that were not able to make it and/or if we could not come to a solid conclusion about a topic. Any questions prior to the meeting feel free to ask! - Blazer

Inv1ve menyukai ini
British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing4 years ago

for the moment I'd recommend taking a high level character and running them (not teleporting) through new normal maps (reset maps by changing difficulties) without the worry of monsters and training yourself to recognize the tiles as they are revealed

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing4 years ago

Hey everyone! I have reviewed the winning entries and am happy to announce the winners of this contest! it was really fun watching everyone give this run a try and the different strategies everyone used. The winners are:

Third place: 327 with a time of 5:38 .96

Second place: Mekalb with a time of 5:28 .06

First place: BokserKabaty with a time of 5:22 .07

It was really close as Mekalb and Bokser originally had very close times, I was afraid I'd have to take a magnifying glass to the VODs! But, Bokser put in some more effort after Mekalb's run and submitted a new time just before the deadline.

Very cool! I was delighted to see many different strats, each with their own pros and cons. My favorite strat I've seen I think is Bokser's Ancients fight, teleporting on Talic and alternating casting Orb and Static, making it a very quick and relatively safe fight.

Congratulations to those that placed, but more importantly thank you everyone who participated! I'll get in touch with the winners regarding their prizes shortly.

Daz86, sajkee dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing4 years ago

thank you to everyone who has participated! I'll be reviewing submissions this morning and will have results later today! I hope everyone had fun :3

British Columbia, Canadablazer-flamewing4 years ago

a soft reminder that the submission deadline is in just over 17 hours!

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