jalankan: A Simple Game
jalankan: Bounce Mastery
There are not any glitches in this game that we know of, but I feel like this category should be open just in case someone finds something
jalankan: Bounce Mastery
Congrats on beating my game! Thanks for playing :D
benang: Bounce Mastery
benang: A Simple Game
ASG has updated And that means more Run Options. so get your running on!
benang: Super Mario Bros.
In the first place of the game currently by somewes, (I have not seen the full things as of this post) I noticed that in level 1-1 he exited the pipe at 380 and jumped out with 378. Is this normal?
benang: A Simple Game
Timeload has seemed to find it, here is a link to the game https://gamejolt.com/games/ASimpleGames/316927
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