Hey id love to run the game, but I'm too lazy, I have ideas for special cateogies that are shorter, but can I be a mod, I played this so much, and I even played it when it was just Toontown, I'm very active so if you need a mod I'm here
Anyone know any sites that are similar to speedrun.com, I've already heard of PB tracker
Does anyone have any recommended web game speed runs that are fun and easily to learn, and pretty quick too not longer then 10 mins
Please help me, as this is really annoying, and I think this is a bug
Has anybody got quite a large list of games too speedrun, I was given a list but it was too big for my computer to load
Please can I mod this, in my opinion the mods are very inactive, and I'm very active, and play Death Run quite a lot so know the game, I'm also mod on 3 other things, and Id like to add a background to this