Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa5 years ago

Wouldn't this only be an issue for top times? You can still get top 10 without Cero D. It's not the best feeling to run with an immediate deficit but if no one is complaining when they're in the position where that deficit actually makes a difference then why complain when there's way more time to save through improvement first?

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa5 years ago

It's just easier to know I can just follow your run so thanks.

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa5 years ago

Are there any differences between pc and xbox/ps3 besides the load times? I was planning on using iddyBTWs commentated run as a tutorial, more or less, so is there anything i would need need to do differently?

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa5 years ago

VOD means video on demand?

benang: Vanquish
Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa5 years ago

Although the leaderboards might not be full enough i justify it, it could be more inviting for console players at least. Just a thought even though I haven't submitted any of my runs yet.

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa5 years ago

I don't enjoy constant jumping but I do really wanna run the game. Is there a huge difference or is it just extra optimisation?

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa6 years ago

If you have a clip just post it in this thread or in the discord.

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa6 years ago

Either delete the completed save file or play without being signed in to an account because nothing will be saved on that which is fine for speedrunning.

Not much else you can do until they patch it out.

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa6 years ago

Either delete the completed save file or play without being signed in to an account because nothing will be saved on that which is fine for speedrunning.

Not much else you can do until they patch it out.

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa6 years ago

I've heard people say that's it not allowed but I'm not sure if it actually is because it's not in the rules.

benang: Yooka-Laylee
Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa6 years ago

Yeah I just there should be something where people can run any% but have a more fun experience than just pause clipping because it's gotten to the point where I know people don't wanna run it due to how boring and stale it's become.

benang: Yooka-Laylee
Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa6 years ago

I'm not suggesting a pause clip free route, I'm just saying that the current is all about pause clipping straight to Capital B, where as the pc route requires a little more skill while moving around out of bounds which could be a fun console category. Just a suggestion

benang: Yooka-Laylee
Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa6 years ago

I was wondering if anyone has considered a sort of pc route any % category for console to spice up any% on console because I feel it's sort of harder to get into due to how boring it is just clipping through 3 walls straight to the end.

So what if console got a new category or subcategory called pc route? I thought of this because of the new skip found on pc and I assume you can pull it off on console too.I think a new revamped any% could be cool.

Although I do think E.W.W could be argued for due to the cutscene clip being much harder to practice on console.

I know there's any% flight but that's more or less the same thing with some coin collection. Let me know what you think.

Western Australia, AustraliaZeCookieMonstaa6 years ago

I think there could be separate categories for both trilogies for people who want to run the game but aren't too keen on going for 3-5 hours for a single run, if they're doing solo any%. It would be slightly different than running the original game and sequel, I just hope it would be different enough to make it a viable option to add to the leaderboard. Could this be considered?

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