Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

I think I do, if I have time tomorrow I'll do a blind playthrough of some of the levels using this as a guide and report back :)

Crackerbean menyukai ini
Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

I guessed, I deduced it after I got the time but because of my tendencies of doing things too early (leap of fox is one) I feel like NTSC may ironically be better for me in terms of accuracy in tricks too so I've been looking at that XD I guess I could aim for 1:50 still XD

As for the topic of this thread, I may look at it later this week then and see if there are undiscovered things that may be useful (I know that you've done a lot of stuff on this, so it won't be long, probably just going to be me being unuseful like I was in Jungle Japes XD)

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

(I meant more I'd practice this as soon as my any% runs are like 1:50 instead of 1:57 XD) It's an interesting concept of a run anyway, and may take more thought process than the others due to every level affecting each other due to the 200 needed power cells. XD

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

It's a very interesting idea though I'm thinking that you collected 204 so you could perhaps skip 3 in one of the levels that you diverted to get them if possible, but I guess for safety that would be dumb until we start getting the route more optimal. I may try this if I can cut my any% time.

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

No one documented it but a "more consistent maybe" way of doing WT skip was found by ahmcgill iirc. May want to make a video of that soonerino (it's pretty basic and more consistent than the currently recorded method in mcill's tutorial for any%)

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

¤WR destroying run¤ ¤yet can't do Evo's Escape Kappa¤ In all seriousness I'm finding the run destroyer to still be Whirlwind Tour which sucks. Took a few days off (practicing Ittle Dew any%s) and will practice this weekend to get a run up hopefully next week sometime.

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

Googloronies links me to this, not seen it, I don't use Dazzle, but...

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

Just take it slow and practice, everntually you'll get it down. I've only played it once though and got it first time, but everything seems to work if you treat it casual and then work on it.

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

I'm assuming that you can also run the standard "bachelor" runs, i.e. marry Rock, marry Gustafa and marry Marlon (whatever his name is) as runs too?

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

I seem to have more luck with you on it, though I didn't try it for an hour XD One time I got it first time since restarting the level but it's frustrating to not get it, so I may mess around with it tomorrow whilst practising the Desert levels (I'm 100% Jungle fluent now, just got the other sections to go XD), so if I figure out some way of consistency (doubt it) or another thing that is more friendly (again doubt it) then... Woo. But... I doubt it <3

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

SOmething I'd like to talk about - Whirlwind Tour. We all know the skip for that being very inconsistent, so I wonder if that would be something that can be figured out? Probably not to that level, but at least a safe strat that could be found?

Also, worthy to note, it seems most corners in this game are able to be clipped into like I did for Jungle Japes, so... Don't know if that means anything.

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

The posting of something that I said I would, mainly some idea of Jungle Japes that may or may not help. Doing it Elephantless comes in 2 parts, the Boulder Skip and the Switch:

Credit of the initial idea of the boulder skip being due to pressing B from doomking10 (aka ahmcgill on here <3) telling me, however the "lock and key" method of rotating I noticed after experimenting with consistency. It ain't consistent. Sorry. From an initial discovery from doomking10 (or as he is known on here, ahmcgill) after being told that clipping into the platform heightened the chance of landing on it as EVO, I noticed that the corners (all 4 of them) can be clipped into to get this setup. Just happens that this corner has a visual marking that helps with the setup AND is also near the edge where you have to go for the piranhas. Just aim and run and you'll get it most times. 9/10. Also can do cutscene skip here too but in any% this means you get the tortoise info so... Dunno if this is quicker than elephant.

DISCLAIMER: Both of these recorded on emulator for ease, also verified to work on console too, as I use them endlessly <3

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

Slower than the WR by mcill, but potentially can be quicker if the boulder's were made consistent (this took 13 seconds, yet I've known it take 5 so... Huh). Also uses this glitch that was found by doomking10 (on Twitch) and then worked on by me for consistency. However, this does not take into account the fact that you will have to have tortoise tank registered in the animal thing, so adds another second, but if the rest is done right, IL record is possible :)

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile9 years ago

Well, I'm guessing I should post my setup for elephantless here that I bragged about in stream huh? XD I'll record one tomorrow and link to it as the only one I have atm is on emulator, but I can get it consistent on console too :)

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