benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia4 years ago

Dip the white a bit, otherwise fine.

Try #efeff1 for dark mode. (Edit: wtf, no space between dark and mode generates a Kappa emote lol)

benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia4 years ago

@MsTruffles - provide an example

benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia4 years ago

Use the game requests form ffs.

benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia4 years ago

Twitch VODs are now fixed... Twitch changed their Embed rules with their new site update...

&parent=www.website-here.com is required in the url path for src, if this isn't present, then the embed doesn't work at all... It's tracking data for some reason. I guess they want to find where the original embed source comes from, for usage statistics... If you don't supply this param to your embeds, then nothing works...

Really glad we were told about that, thanks twitch...

(twitch did not tell us shit until it broke, then reading the documentation [which, stupidly enforces www prefix to the url before the domain address ONLY when on the website... works fine with http in testing...] shows the issue)

WiiSuper, afnannen136 dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia4 years ago

Most likely fixed and catching up...

6oliath, Habreno, dan Daravae menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia5 years ago

hi, yeah there was a change to formatting of rules to use true markdown.

Can you post the rules you had before here? Probs need to do a full conversion or something at some point.

Just drop a pastebin here.

For new formatting it'd be this: https://pastebin.com/tQGAAtqW


benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia5 years ago

After the redesign revision is complete there's talks of a mobile application, but, very early stages at this point in time as there's a few dozen areas for improvement, even in the redesign, before I look at this more. I sort of wish this was around to see a user count of those that don't have mobile phones or wouldn't opt to providing secondary verification to their accounts.

In regards to 2auth, security implementations won't be up for discussion at user level going forward that aren't articulate... also, if you engage in petty behaviour with either staff, or other users, in an immature fashion your opinion will be entirely discredited unless you're absolutuely on point with something grossly overlooked. Not trying to be mean here, but it's just how we're going to be treating things.

There's points of discussion when the community is very welcome to contribute, but this is slowly becoming a situation in this thread where the public opinion will be pushed away should the discussion keep going down this path.

Krayzar dan Tron_Javolta menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia5 years ago

A lot of user customisation to boards will be obsoleted when @Pac is done with his redesign, besides a heading image and cover art, I think... which granted, seeing some themes, is probably for the best and I've been a big advocate for it for some time.

I've not had the time to read this entire thread, but, some levels of further security implementations for mods or higher, needs to be in place. The reason I enforced the inability to use a previous password is because of people being ignorant to their own security, and the repercussions that may have on others, should they continue to be ignorant and also be a game moderator.

To add a little bit of note to this, no staff member has been compromised in either situations which tells me the user only has a small ballpark of names and previous passwords to play with, and, those users compromised have been careless with their security on the internet. Administrator accounts, and even full moderators, have a lot more power than what the average super mod does on boards. Even then, the last time this happened, the user accessed Super Mods to delete accounts and boards. This time it just seems to be regular moderators.

There's a lot I have planned for future functionality and features on the site. I think a lot of things need improved, reduced or removed as well as useful features people would actually use on a daily basis being added.

On a final note and a bit of a TLDR: The site itself was never hacked. The users were. To enforce tighter security, we're looking into 2FA for users for your own safety as this is the second time in two months where several people have been compromised over using the same password on multiple different services.

Imaproshaman, ShikenNuggets dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia5 years ago

2FA will have an option for emailing a code out for those, in the minority, that for some reason do not own a mobile phone or another device that can send and receive SMS. Alternatively, may integrate social media authentication in the future.

Bogdan_mk, blueYOSHI dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia5 years ago

test post, making sure the db doesn't die.

k it didn't. enjoy.

Imaproshaman menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia5 years ago

Pagination has been added to sub forums. Some features of the forums might be a bit buggy. Will keep people posted. Thanks.

zopney, EmeraldAly dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia6 years ago

some of the layout bugs aren't going to be dealt with as the layout will be transitioning to the new layout at some point this year.

functional issues, such as the 500, will be looked into when I find time or the incentive to do so.

I've not even had time to address an ordering bug with times that someone raised like two months ago that I said I'd raise, but I'll -hopefully- look at some bugs soon.

benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia6 years ago

Typicall 500's normally result in a server side failure... it's most likely not browser specific... or if it is, something is different about the traits of how the data is stored in that form for chrome than other browsers... I've not looked at it, but that's probably what's wrong.

benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia6 years ago

@C1 Browser, Resolution, Operating System

benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia6 years ago

@Fred you failed to link the game. I believe my profile has the same issue if you're talking about that bug though... I've never looked into the background loading, but I'm aware it is an issue. Although, my profile is white, not grey.

benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia6 years ago

Hi @Thermospore, I'll look into that for you sometime this week. Cheers.

blueYOSHI dan Thermospore menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia6 years ago

@kreepers If you get hacked and you're a moderator of a board, I will personally remove the ability for you to ever get mod again due to your utter stupidity of resetting your password to what it was before.

You SHOULD NOT be using your previous password if you ever had XSplit.

Read this document: https://hackmd.io/s/SJKWDA36X

Lieutenant_Boo, Hako dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia6 years ago

There wasn’t much to fix in terms of content, just anything lost in the last 24hr. Themes are easily fixed if people aren’t lazy.

Imaproshaman menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Stirling, ScotlandVolvagia6 years ago

It's retrieved from the API within a certain section of the json. Twitch changed it in the last revision. (I believe when affiliates could have their own was the last big change). I don't have intentions to "fix" this as of right now and it'll probably be implemented in a theme change.

Habreno dan ShikenNuggets menyukai ini
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