United StatesValientlink1 year ago

I'm confused, I get input lag with MESEN but not other emulators. Does this only apply to keyboard? This is the only NES emulator I can run at full speed despite having a laptop that can run GC, N64, PS2, SNES etc all perfectly fine.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

I reached out to this guy, he said it's good for raw recordings and that seems true for me. For framecounting VODs it won't be accurate though. Otherwise it's just as efficient as avidemux although I think the latter is quicker and easier to use.

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United StatesValientlink1 year ago
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United StatesValientlink1 year ago

I didn't know there was a timer, I think I had a sense there might've been something like that but not with certainty. The whole thing does seem really scattered and weird, I don't know why Mark goes to the default cabin if you try to switch to him bottom left of the cave, his position after swapping with Laura when you kill Jason on day 2 for PP.

But yeah I never understood why sometimes you'll switch off, and then you'll like, carry the counselor. Maybe only certain cabins I don't really know. Other times they'll go to the next cabin as usual, but sometimes they don't. I've had swaps with the top left cabin that went to either one of the cave cabins or somewhere else entirely.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

I used Avidemux and got 2m53s833ms, to me this seems more accurate because only like, 5 frames after I beat Jason it becomes 2m54s. I personally trust this program a little bit more when it comes to frame counting raw recordings, its generally used in other games. Thing is Somewes has occasionally matched this as well as VirtualDub, but this 833ms I trust more, it seemed around 783 or whatever just wasn't right.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

I did find out I started a frame late for twitch which might be the reason why they were different.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

From what I undersand it's pretty accurate, although I got 2m53s783ms when I used it on my YT export from twitch was was 764ms. Most of my moderating happens in Ocarina of Time where something like Avidemux is more recommended, that's generally what I'd use and often the result would be different for Somewes, not always. I tend to trust this one more but I digress. Is there any reason Somewes would be different between a YT and Twitch VOD? I submitted with the twitch vod timing since I'd imagine export might change something.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

Ok even more confusing is how everyone in cabins can just shift around at times. I noticed this in Pamela Powerups specifically. When I'd swap Mark with Laura in the top left cabin, I start as Laura on day 2. Makes sense, but if I pass off to mark on day 2 for instance, he won't start in the bottom left cave cabin which could potentially lead to 2 encounters.

I'd have to check your run again but I know you pass to Crissy there and might get 2? It doesn't seem to really make much difference since you'll have to fight him exiting the last cabin but still. If I leave Mark alone he stays in that cabin, if I don't he reverts back to his original cabin.

This whole counselors jumping around cabins is the single most confusing thing to me next to the southern woods. I know how to get to south of camp through them but damn they seem way more full of deadends than the northern woods which are so easy to navigate.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

Yeah I was looking into that, I kind of like to just use all the useless characters up to get some juice out of jason but it was just an example. I've never understood this mechanic at all and didn't know if anyone else did.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

You know how sometimes when you switch cabins to empty one out, the person you emptied will suddenly be stuck to the counselor who was originally there? This always seemed practically random to me but I wasn't sure exactly what's happening. I guess it could apply to a low% route depending on how you went about it.

ZeroThe14th menyukai ini
United StatesValientlink1 year ago

Hopefully, I won't likely grind much if I work the next day though. I end up having trouble sleeping because of residual speedrun giddiness or something. I was on covid leave during the last time I was doing runs. But I don't work Sunday through Tuesday meaning Saturday Sunday or Monday nights would be fine (usually at least one or two of them)

only thing that sucks is my CRT whine really exacerbates ringing in my ears <_< I need one that doesn't whine so much, it didn't used to but its very old.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

That's too bad. My strategy of jumping past the door does seem effective in hitting a 52.5 house but sometimes I'll lose some frames because it spawns slightly behind me and I have to turn back resulting in low 52. It seems just about anyone hits it with 52.5 at best, 53 is just too much of a crapshoot. Was able to hit a bit over 53 with like this pixel perfect far left spot but that still has a problem. I guess jumping around the door just makes it more likely to spawn left period so I guess I may stick with that. It really seemed like the strat you / others used with the lighter spawn, jump was consistent at first but I was just lucky

Derusted with a 2:55 today though! I'll take it especially with the timelosses, day 1 and 2 were bad, enough to lose 3 seconds over PB. day 3 was just right minus a zombie spawn, throws were awful there in PB and a worse zombie spawn. I never expected anything near my PB on my first completed run in almost 2 years. Record though, that will take a lot of work and patience if I don't run out of it. I need to get used to the NES controller again and also feeling jittery but I should become more tolerant with that.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

I've been doing what record does more or less but further left (similar to what zero did in his pamela PB but even further left, as far left as possible) because I thought it had a better chance of spawning in front of you, but then I'd still get right side spawns. I swear this was so consistent and then all the sudden wasn't. I used to just jump by the door but even that was going wrong eventually. I was hitting the house at 53 with the further left knife often, just barely though, but 53 is 53. I'm about to get back into doing runs, NES all set up and everything, finally, but this knife bothers me more than anything in the run

I do the jump right after the kill assuming that's part of getting it to spawn in front of you more but really I have no clue, maybe there's just a better chance and we'll never have a truly consistent strat.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

Hmm I don't remember where I'd read that, possibly in the notes of a very old TAS but it was wrong, he'll take damage even after he starts running. The TAS just had no reason to throw at him beyond right when he turned around. Knowing this will be very helpful in the future, I always just didn't throw when he turned around because I thought it didn't count.

United StatesValientlink1 year ago

The 2:22 TAS, I counted 31 hits on day 1, 30 hits on day 2, 31 hits on day 3, but I wasn't counting Jason running hits. I wondered how this was possible, and once I did count the hits as Jason begins to run away, sure enough they are doing damage. Day 1 has 1 running hit, day 2 has 2, day 3 has 1.

I was always under the impression it does no damage once he starts running and I'm pretty sure I read somewhere a long time ago that he doesn't either, so maybe it's only the very frame he begins running? I'm fairly sure at least that well after he begins running he won't take damage, I think I've noticed this before.

Looking closer, it seems that these hits are taking place 1 frame before he actually starts running, so they're getting in the hit just as he turns but before he actually starts running. So with that being the case, I suppose he can only take damage the very frame he turns and before he's running?

bedwablackburn menyukai ini
United StatesValientlink1 year ago

This thing is so full of utterly unplayable games it makes action 52 look good. There's some actual OK arcade ports to the NES on here but otherwise it's all some serious homebrew trash that will assault your ears. Look up Egg Contest and you'll see what I mean...

But what stood out? Friday the 13th is on here! I have no clue why, and you can't really reset the game so it hasn't been practical to get back into practicing but it's on there and has helped me sort of get back into it. Been attempting to optimize stone only, although it's really a pain.

United StatesValientlink2 years ago

As long as it's not so bad that you can't see what's happening then it would be acceptable. This is pretty much true for any game.

United StatesValientlink2 years ago

This can only be done on PJ64 1.6 correct? I know it's not there on 1.7 (or any newer versions)

I noticed the rules don't mention any specific emulator or versions either, so maybe that's worth updating so people don't get confused.

United StatesValientlink3 years ago

I'm leaning toward unhiding emulator runs, but just not allowing them beyond say, sub 3:05ish.

So basically you can use emulator but if you want to get times closer to sub 3/record use console. As mentioned the way RNG resets on emulator is known to be different, and it's easier in general to reset the emulator/start the timer and such compared to console. But yeah I think the simplest approach would be to just have a cutoff for emulator runs. I know a lot of NES games allow emulator up to WR, but Friday is a very unique creature. There is so much RNG, so much randomness from simply resetting the game to how items spawn and Jason behaves.

No apologies necessary though. It's understandable that it might be confusing from first glance why emulator runs would be hidden (or not allowed for top times). But as Zero mentioned it comes down to how the RNG is shuffled on resets. I can't think of any other game that's like Friday the 13th in this way.

HowDoUPlay dan ZeroThe14th menyukai ini
United StatesValientlink3 years ago

Yep, we don't mind frame counting. But for the most accuracy, it's probably best to upload raw video files to a google doc or something. Fetching the videos off twitch/youtube can easily result in a slightly different count (seems to be more an issue with twitch vods than YT videos)

Avidemux seems to be the best and is very easy to use, but Yua is also good. This game is getting more and more optimized and we're already seeing top times within frames of each other (which will surely increase, especially with some shorter categories we'll be putting up soon), so I think it's a good idea to focus on the most accuracy we can get.

ZeroThe14th menyukai ini
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