benang: The Site
SwedenUbuntuJackson9 months ago

Hi, I'm not sure what happens when you for example delete a category. Is there any efficient way to backup the videos somehow? Is there any step by step guide on how to do this without ruining the leaderboard? Not sure if I even dare touch it without knowing what happens. In this case I need to add subcategories. With kind regards, the very amateur moderator of Frogatto & Friends leaderboard.

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson10 months ago

Hello, I don't have the resources or time to moderate the Frogatto & Friends leaderboard. I also don't know how to retime them anymore cause I don't know what I should use anymore to download the currently pending run that I should have verified a long time ago. And if I retime this run, verify it and leave, what happens next?

CyanWes dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
SwedenUbuntuJackson1 year ago

Hi, just curious if anyone happen to know where to get this game? It used to be pre installed at a lot of school computers in Sweden, but I dunno where to safely download it nowadays.

SwedenUbuntuJackson2 years ago

I think just not modifying the game would be safest if you are going to do runs.

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson2 years ago

@Oreo321 @Solderq35 The reason I would like the board added even though levels could be changed an invalid is because the game gained so much popularity and I thought adding a board would make it so people can have competitive fun without waiting for maybe years. I would be quite strict with what versions you can and can't run on though to not make the board too messy. Like Solderq35 said, only individual levels would work for now. Another solution would be to just make a google docs sheet.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson2 years ago

Thank you, I will give it a try! I wish there was a way to contact the admins so that I didn't need to make a whole thread about this.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson2 years ago

The game SuperTux Advance is still in development, however it has already gained a fair number of individual level runners the past month. People are already interested in submitting these runs, but I'm not sure if it's time to request a board yet. I have read the guidelines for submitting games that are still in development, but I still want the community's opinion on this. I have seen demos on speedrun.com previously so having a board this early doesn't sound impossible. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: SuperTux
SwedenUbuntuJackson2 years ago

It works for me too.

benang: SuperTuxKart
SwedenUbuntuJackson2 years ago

I think we used to have an android category, but was removed, probably because it was considered unnecessary.

benang: Talk
SwedenUbuntuJackson2 years ago

No time no see.

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

@Komrade Thank you for your response. I don't moderate at all currently and just let the board be for now. However I was just curious what could be done for now.

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

The only runners who are over 16 in my community is me and another retired runner who isn't very active anyways.

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

Can I just leave the board and never come back? What will happen after the runs don't get verified because no one can be moderator? You clearly haven't read the post properly, did you? :)

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

Hello, I am a moderator of Frogatto and Friends, however, I am not in a situation where I can take care of the runs coming in regularly, and most people that are active within the community are a bit too young to moderate a board. (I think you need to be 16+ to have a moderator role.) How do we usually solve this on the site? I'm very absent recently and I haven't been running the game in a half year.

benang: Talk
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

Not a flashgame, but posemaniacs is unusable now when flashplayer is gone.

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

In this case, with "in game timer" I mean a timer mod that is added to the original game. I feel like this will make things a bit more complicated for people that just wanna do runs and not mess with the game before running.

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

We know what real time is, as opposed to in game time, right? What do we do when an in game timer is made by someone in the community? If it works, do we implement it? Can we re-time the already existing runs? I know this varies from game to game, but I want to hear your opinions and thoughts.

ckellyspeedruns menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

mattbraddock worked for me. Thank you @hahhah42

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

When I tried to download and execute it I got the error message "Failed to execute !speedrun retime tool v1.2.0" but what does it mean?

benang: Speedrunning
SwedenUbuntuJackson3 years ago

Thanks guys I'm gonna do my best taking care of it as soon as I can.

GameFeverOnlineYT menyukai ini
Tentang UbuntuJackson
Hello hello, testing testing, 123
4 years ago
9 months ago
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