CanadaTomLube1 year ago

Haha, Low% is sorted by InGame Time because of the difficulty and being more of a challenge category than a speed one, at least currently.

benang: Far Cry 4
CanadaTomLube8 years ago

Oh yeah I'm on PC, that isn't an option for me.

benang: Far Cry 4
CanadaTomLube8 years ago

Not sure what you mean. If i delete the game I can't play it.

benang: Far Cry 4
CanadaTomLube8 years ago

It's been a while since I played 100% - do you get a pickup or game save when you get the last %? I don't really remember. It would be fairly hard to quantify 100% otherwise though if you kill Pagan and then do other stuff.

benang: Far Cry 4
CanadaTomLube8 years ago

Sorry, I don't understand how in-game time working as it should (counting the time that you have played the game enough to finish it) is considered inaccurate. As long as there is video evidence that there has been no deaths/s+q I don't see any even remote reason why in-game time shouldn't be acceptable for Any% or 100% - Literally every other game that uses in-game time also follows this method of 2 types of runs for in-game time, Segmented and Single Segment (with Single Segment being preferred/would actually be the one on the leaderboards).

Since you have already said Segmented runs are pretty much irrelevant, successful (meaning no death/no SQ) SS runs which use in-game time should be accepted on the leaderboards that way, given that it's far more accurate/less room for stupid shit like pausing/menuing/cutscenes/loadtimes/framelag.

30Cents - Run the game and use in-game time. I suppose the 3 of us believe in-game time is a better system and possibly we can get the other (few) runners on board and use it.

This being said, I suppose someone who has run the game from the getgo won't be too perceptive to new people coming in and saying how the show should be run (I can certainly understand that) but I do think it's worth mulling over if a significant amount of people want it.

benang: Far Cry 4
CanadaTomLube8 years ago

It doesn't even work on the newest version of the game (which should be required for runs?) so it's a moot point I think.

Anyways, I would like to see the argument for not using in-game time. It might not be perfectly accurate, but real time attack uses fucking load times too which is equally (if not more) stupid and inaccurate. This way you don't have to have a timer running which is just balls.

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