With all yall going OB or water hazards for ball displacement. Shouldn't there be a NO OB category for the runs that are clean?
I know no one has ever even beaten the game on hard mode Nor even attempted it for it's ultimate brutality, but I actually have a run of it. please add the hardmode tab so that I can submit my run, Thanks!
Still waiting for admins to wake up. Playing this on the console is a whole other dimension. As there are loading times and frame drops galore. NeoGeo tabs are needed for the Neogeo and Neogeo CDZ(2X cd drive) VS 1X on the normal console)
Even though this is kind of fun, I would still leave the overall speed times for all characters mixed. I found it interesting on how high I could reach the rankings VS all with Zangief. Basically, simply re-add the mixed times.
Ok guys the time has come to separate the two unfortunately. Obviously the game is way too easy and absolutely not meant to be played in this manner. I currently hold the real WR for glitchless/clipless speedrun. Will submit anyways but will indicate in description.
Hey man. Been years since my legendary run but would probably explore the game again if this category is created. Thanks
Will be needed as loading times etc will have a different input on time completion.
Hello, I had written a post about this and it was obviously deleted. The mod approved his own run even though it's completely cheated.
Fires off a round and all enemies on screen die at the same time while the character also jumps.
Just curious as to why the category is not divided by difficulty.
Just wondering as I have a run to be verified ;P I'll send em a PM soon though
Just wondering as I have a run to be verified ;P I'll send em a PM soon though
Hey there, How's about adding a room 99 challenge in the "miscellaneous" section?
Hey man! Resubmitted my run. Thanks for taking care of the categories. Looking good man!
Hello all!
Mighty Bomb Jack category needs YOUR help! Feeling for a ass-kicker of a challenge? Well look no further as MBJ (NES) WILL absolutely without question KICK your ass and have you weeping for months. Try out the 2 categories and see if you can even COMPLETE the game! Not for the faint of heart. Try it out, if you dare....
Hi peoplez, Difficulty settings should be implemented along with a "miscellaneous" section with challenges such as "invisible arrows" etc. Add me as admin if you want me to do all the work haha
Shouldn't a no turbo category be considered? Seeing as not breaking your thumb for 30 mins could be a challenge in itself. Also, completion time is not even comparable VS turbo
Hi there, Could a "rank 1" category be addeded for the "adventure mode"? thanks!