benang: Tron 2.0
Virginia, USATheWarlordShogun2 years ago

I know this thread is 4 years old, but I never chimed in on the idea of segmented runs. It would be useful to know what the actual fastest possible times are on a level-by-level basis, however it wouldn't really work well as its own category on the speedrun website. This is because your subroutines, upgrades, and version number all carries over from one level to the next. So a WR pace for a level might be dependent on what you have brought with you from previous levels. For instance, Power Oculus has a skip that requires a version number of 3.0.0 or higher with all upgrades put into health in order to perform the skip. So to get a WR time on that level would require playing previous levels to build the version number to 3.0.0 before the skip would need to be performed. Honestly, the best segmented times would likely come from 100% completing previous levels in order to have the highest and best upgrades up until that level.

I don't think segmented runs should be its own category, but doing segmented runs could help you to practice levels that give you the most trouble. I have hard saves for all the levels with "skips" in them so I can practice the jumps. Two examples of a hard save I practice a lot is Thorne's Perimeter Partition and Thorne's Internal Partition. But the best recommendation I have is to just sit down and do a run all the way through and then work to improve from there.

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Virginia, USATheWarlordShogun7 years ago

Oh, I just misunderstood what the window capture was haha. Thanks for the help. I figured it out and it is all good. I also had to run the LiveSplit as an admin before it would let me use the timer in a full-screen game.

Virginia, USATheWarlordShogun7 years ago

I am new to speedrunning and am trying to figure out how to get set up. I have the livesplit timer and I have xsplit gamecaster. All the guides I find is all the tools I need to start speedrunning, but not how to actually record my game with the livesplit timer on the same screen. How do you all stream a speedrun on twitch and have the game with the timer on the same screen? I do see a way to add plugins or something, but it requires a URL, which I am unsure how to get for the livesplit.

Suggestions? I just need really general ways to get set up here. I have tried both xsplit free versions and obs and cannot figure this out. Thanks.

Tentang TheWarlordShogun
7 years ago
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