Ceará, BrazilTchagoOliveira2 months ago

but also for another... the result of the stopwatch in one of my races, was not the same result in the manual timing that they do, so it could be that the mod's stopwatch is wrong, so if this mod is allowed, the only benefit What's more, you can reload the level just by clicking "restart"

Ceará, BrazilTchagoOliveira2 months ago

my races were rejected because this mod also changes the speed of the game, however... it only changes if activated, in this case I only activated the timer, and in one race I removed the shadows and clouds and changed the field of view as well.

To know if the speed increases or not, just look at the joystick, it has a different movement, which you can see is not the same as the original game, so it would be better if they approved the timer and did not allow this "computer joystick"

Poulet_BLK dan DuoHeHuoShan menyukai ini
Ceará, BrazilTchagoOliveira3 months ago

No Shortcuts% (NS%) Objective: Complete the game as quickly as possible, going through all levels without using shortcuts. Rules: 1. Do not use shortcuts or exploits. 2. Pass through all main areas of the levels, including rooms, doors and stairs. 3. You must follow the original path of the game. 4. It is allowed to use objects creatively to solve problems. Observations: - It is not necessary to complete all secondary objectives. - It is not necessary to collect all items. Examples of Prohibited Shortcuts: - Jumping over walls or obstacles. - Using glitches to bypass areas. Variations: - NSAztec% -NSAny% This category challenges players to find efficient and creative routes while maintaining the spirit of the original game.

Ceará, BrazilTchagoOliveira3 months ago

here is a tutorial on how to download this mod (I'm not sure if this person is the creator of the mod) If it's not possible to create this new category, I would like it if they could at least somehow validate races with this mod 【HFF手游Mod包v0.0.1.1更新-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/SJu5JeI

Ceará, BrazilTchagoOliveira3 months ago

name: Aztec% joystick PC objective: mobile players can use a mod where the joystick has the same speed as the PC, and make faster races

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