During the last month, we had our "Run Invalid" routing competition with this as the game of choice. Usually we use completely unrouted games, but this time we made an exception. Most of the basic techniques were already readily available here, so shoutouts to you guys. But figured I'd just drop this here in case anyone is interested.
Hey guys,
the ingame timer seems absolutely fine to me, why make it inaccurate and complicated with livesplit :(
So either stay on your old 1.3 patch or use a new one and download the pak6.pak that he provided i guess.
so im trying to set this game http://www.speedrun.com/colony7 to be a modification of http://www.speedrun.com/stvoyef . However when i try to edit the game settings to do that and submit the changes, it will not do anything and when i edit the game again the "modification" checkbox will be unticked again. Any idea why that is?
thx, Sphere
This is a simple plugin for livesplit to keep track of your kills and found secrets for 100%. Download the dll in the Components directory and put it into the Components directory of LiveSplit.
Hey guys,
i was wondering what you guys think about adding ingame time as a second timing method which could just be the sum of all track times. Speedrun.com supports having multiple timings, so we could have both real time and ingame time at the same time. Atm with just real time people with slow computers have a huge disadvantage because of the importance of loading times.
Just a heads up for those who haven't heard of it yet, there's an autosplitter for LiveSplit now. To use it just type "Quake II" as game name in the splits editor of LiveSplit and click the button "Activate" that appears. Set it up by clicking on "Settings".
If you have any questions or bug reports, tell me.
For those who are interested, here is the source code: https://github.com/kugelrund/LiveSplit.Quake2
Here's a splits file that splits automatically on every map: https://splits.io/9zj