California, USASoulcloset3 months ago


Following a discussion on the Barbie series Discord server (linked at the top of this page), the timing for Any% No Foals, Any% Collect Foals, 100%, and 100% No Foals has been changed.

Previously, timing started following the first Silver Valley Stables loading screen.

Going forward, timing will start on the first frame Barbie is visible on her horse after the horse selection/stables portion of the mandatory tutorial.

This change accomplishes a few goals:

  • Runners may now dress up Barbie or her horse prior to time starting.

  • Several loading screens are now removed from the final RTA time, closing the gap between RTA and LRT and making it easier to compare RTA times between players (though LRT is still the official method of comparison)

  • Because loading screens are removed, the job of manually retiming a run is now less tedious (mostly a perk for the mods, but we encourage retiming your run prior to submission!)

We hope this change is welcome, but if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to respond here or join & ask in the #wild-horse-rescue channel in the Barbie Series Speedrunning Discord server (preferred).

Happy horsing!

-the mod team ❤️

Bronkel menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset2 years ago

Oasis: Enter Imad's shop. Let Imad say one word, leave shop, re-enter shop, let Imad say one word. The book will now spawn without having to listen to his full dialogue. Rainbow Forest: Omar and Halima's initial dialogue can be skipped after one word is spoken. Their items will be spawned and collectable. Beach: No skips Ice Palace: Sultan Kardal's initial dialogue can be skipped after one word. Going to the Evil Genie will still grant the player the red gem. City in the Clouds: No skips

morrysillusion menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset3 years ago

Edit Feb 16th 2025: The autosplitter method was never really functional, and is not supported. If you can figure out how to automatically do load removal, please let us know in the Barbie Discord! Otherwise, please use the Video Editor method outlined below to retime your run. Your submission video should still be the complete run with no cuts, for splice prevention, and runs will be retimed by the mod team for verification. We may be disorganized, but we're also transparent - hit us up on Discord!

Hello everyone! This is a tutorial on setting up our automatic splitting and load removal tool for runs performed on Cxbx-reloaded (the fastest permitted Xbox emulator).

If you are playing on another platform, the autosplitter files included in the above tutorial's description may not support your setup. Reach out to us in the Barbie Speedrunning Discord for help!

If you are unable to use the autosplitter (or don't want to, no judgement), you can follow this tutorial for timing without loads using a video editing software:

morrysillusion menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset3 years ago

Video description, copied:

"This is a comparison of the time with and without loads between Xemu and Cxbx-r playing Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue up to the gate opening cutscene in Forest Trail 1.

The runs compared are my (Soulcloset) fastest runs of Any% No Foals (played on Cxbx-r here: https://www.speedrun.com/barbie_horse_adventure_wild_horse_rescue/run/mk59vqvm) and Any% Collect Foals (played on Xemu here: https://www.speedrun.com/barbie_horse_adventure_wild_horse_rescue/run/mk53lj5m). I cut these videos starting at the frame the game responded to the A button press on the main menu (when the buttons start to fade), and ending on the first dark frame post-cutscene where barbie becomes visible.

For removing loads, I removed all frames where a loading screen was visible, without removing any frames before or after that may have been frozen due to lag. This could be changed, however, it would be difficult (in my experience) to tell exactly which frames are lag and which are just the game's framerate not matching with the recording framerate, or the player not doing an action frame-perfectly.

I propose that all BHA:WHR runs be timed/retimed with loads removed in the above detailed way, to keep competition mostly fair between emulators, and between emulator and console for the same platform. Due to its lag and the untested effects of Fast Disc Speed, PS2 is currently slower across the board than Xbox, emulator or not. However, many games have a fastest platform, and in my opinion, evening out the field between emulator and console creates a fair environment on par with other speedgames."

Sneezeball dan morrysillusion menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset3 years ago

Hello everyone!

I and Sneezeball (current 1st and 2nd place No foals) use Cxbx-reloaded to play this game, and it runs well but has visual and sound glitches. I tried to get xemu working, but it's quite complicated and wouldn't boot the game.

Has anyone used another emulator (or different Cxbx-R settings) to avoid these visual-audio glitches?

If so, feel free to reply here or message in the WHR channel on the Barbie Speedrunning Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9gsUEyKcup

California, USASoulcloset3 years ago

I'm leaving speedruns behind for the most part, and I'd like to pass this game off to someone who's on here often. Lmk on twitter if that's you.

California, USASoulcloset4 years ago

Saw a run submission played on a real PS2 saying that load times are faster on emulators, and it seems like they are. Even though I play on emulator, I do think that we should split up the leaderboards to make it fair for everyone. Thoughts?

Avasam menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset4 years ago

Hey y'all, series mod here.

Seeing a lot of runs of this and the original game recently, which is hella cool! But one thing I see a lot is people submitting their times with incorrect millisecond amounts.

When the game says, "20.35" that does NOT equate to "0m 20s 035ms". This is because of how decimal points work - XX.35 == XX.350 == XX.35000000. But XX.35 will never equal XX.035 or XX.00035, etc.

So basically, when the game says your time is XX.yy, submit it as 0m, XXs, yy0ms. Thank you!

Bluely menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset5 years ago

My account is enabled for TFA because I'm a moderator of several games and one series. That's fine with me, and while I wouldn't have enabled it on my own, I understand the choice to make it required. However, on my only desktop computer, I only check the site once every week or so. Every time I come back, I'm no longer logged in. The site had never automatically logged me out before the TFA change, and since it's been a while now, I know it's a consistent problem. Is this intended behavior? I'm less inclined to use the site if I have to manually log in every time I come on.

California, USASoulcloset6 years ago

Here's a link: https://discord.gg/xYBGrUR

Come talk about strats, times, and other stuff! ❤️

SillyCakeTV menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset6 years ago

I haven't been active in this community since late Winter/early Spring of 2018, so a lot of you might not even know who I am, but since early 2017 I've been a moderator of this game (as well as some other Speed Run titles) on speedrun.com. I was the original creator of the SR4 community Discord, which I'm sure is still in use since I left last year.

As of today, I'll be removing myself as a moderator of all ROBLOX games that I've been active in on speedrun.com, and saying a thankful goodbye to the community for ROBLOX speedrunning as a whole.

I had a lot of fun with this game and others in the time I was involved in them, and I'm glad to see my contributions and infrastructure work have not gone to waste.

See y'all. <3

Breakthrough, Ivory dan 13 lainnya menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

As per the newest patch to Speed Run 4, some changes are being made soon.

The leaderboards will be archived safely, and then wiped. We would never delete all the runs without backing up the boards thus far, so we will do so first.

The new boards will feature the same categories as we currently have, but with no standing times, given the major changes to the game.

If you are worried about your run, the game's progression, or any other aspect of our current boards, take it upon yourself to screenshot, record, or otherwise document it. This will help ensure that this game's history is never lost by those who care about it.

Thank you.

Zooms, Zoph_ dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

insert a nice meme about an 18 year old game

California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

If you're interested in running the game, and wish to interact with other members of the community, please do so in our Discord server. Invite link below.


kyo menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

Please watch this and apply it for future runs. This is an objective way to keep things fair and fun for everybody.

Becka, coolestto dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset7 years ago


Thank you guys all for taking an interest in running SUPERHOT. Having been here from the beginning, it's awesome to see how far we've come. Keep it up <3

Cortyez, TheTransmission dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

First thing: here's the game - https://lukeoc.itch.io/kuxtal

This game's speedrun relies on changing the Unity settings to make the game run faster. The rate of the character's super jump recharge was mistakenly tied to the framerate. This means if you run the game at lower and lower graphics settings, you can essentially spam jump boosts. In practice, this allows for very fast movement through the map, so much so that the player can go through walls or easily out of bounds.

If you'd like to start speedrunning this game, just go for it! It's not very competitive, and it's easy to play.

kyo menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

Hi. I'm from the ROBLOX Speed Run Speedruns Discord server, and I wanted to let you know that we already have a channel dedicated to this game where we've been working out strats and doing some good runs. Given that this page seems like a placeholder with no content, I can't exactly merge what we've already done on to it. Would you be willing to make me a mod (given that I'm already a mod for Speed Run 4 as well) so that I can add everything here and start putting in runs/resources?

Bluely menyukai ini
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

I made a Discord server for ROBLOX speedrunners! If you're interested, join here: https://discord.gg/kNcWK8b

Tentang Soulcloset
Californian Barbie speedrunner. Join the Barbie speedrunning Discord w/ link on the series page <3
9 years ago
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