benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY4 years ago

We will get that fixed in the save pack soon, in the mean time you can use "Non-PCE (Genocide) Lab Skip Save" which is basically all you need anyways.

benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY4 years ago

Thanks for letting us know, I tested the resource and found the same issue. We will take a look into this and fix it up.

benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY6 years ago

This thread already has an answer and serves no further purpose, locked.

Ontario, CanadaSnowieY6 years ago

Very good category for races, skips the boring parts of the run. Been an idea and a thing some of us have been running for a good while and I believe it should be added to category extensions.

NewGame+ Start at Punch Card, or known by many of us, The Sauce.

Rules: Begin your run using the save file provided. Timing begins on selecting "yes" on continue game and ends when you touch the door after asgore.

(I have the file and it can be uploaded)

robloxspeedru menyukai ini
benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY6 years ago

You can use text storage from the wall, walk into the final pit and fall right into the loading zone in the linux version of the game.

benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY6 years ago

I've been able to pull this glitch off many times before in the past. And on top of this, 7th place by Isaiah has the same glitch happen too, not quite the same way but still rock skip.

benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY6 years ago

Reloading the game, the simple act of closing the game and reopening it is completely fine. It may not be intentional to close your game to skip a bit of a cutscene or retry a trick, but it is not cheating, other games allow the very same doing. The ruling stands and will never be changed.

Raeanus, nullscythe, dan Hydro menyukai ini
benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY6 years ago

Welcome to Undertale Speedrunning. We're glad to have new runners join in on the fun. Keyboard is currently the best way to play the game, controller is optional/preference. You can use both at the same time too if you find that to be of good use. Feel free to join our discord and throw us some questions at any time!


Bain8renn, geo_ dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY7 years ago

All versions are treated the same and will take part of the same categories even if they are slower

benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY7 years ago

you do a full genocide run, then you give up your soul and reset. You kill flowey as part of a True pacifist run's neutral portion. then you proceed to complete true pacifist.

benang: Undertale
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY7 years ago

This is the same reason why the glitched tpe and genocide records were broken. It is no surprise. Every single category but ng+ will be faster.

Ontario, CanadaSnowieY7 years ago

http://www.speedrun.com/run/m799260y it would be literally 1 input off of this category

Ontario, CanadaSnowieY8 years ago

Index warp is significantly faster and easier. Climbing stone tower is not an easy task. So in the end, highly recommend the index warp route. Skips a lot of salt and bombchus.

Marthur menyukai ini
Ontario, CanadaSnowieY8 years ago

Once you clip, sidehop twice, zorafin (zora link's attack) towards the bottom right of you, hold the b button and line up zora link's head with the left part of the texture on the wall. if you are in japanese, just take off your mask and last frame recoil flip and you should reach the loading zone. in english, shield turn 180 and last frame recoil flip.

Marthur menyukai ini
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