benang: Left 4 Dead
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSkippyy8 years ago

That makes a lot of sense. Ignore my request then :D

Hope you can at least enjoy some of my new bhops :p

benang: Left 4 Dead
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSkippyy8 years ago

This is the category I was mentionning.

I'll just copy paste what I wrote on the video's description.

First of all, I just want this video to be entertaining. I'm not showing off, I don't encourage using any kind of hacks.

I'm just wondering what would happen if someone with insane reflexes could play the game knowing every single mechanics, and playing as fast as possible.

Of course when I say no hacks, there are several hacks used in this video. Bunny hop is the obvious one. I also changed the timescale (host_timescale 0.5), then recorded at real time speed.

Hope your brain doesn't hurt too much after watching. I feel like the bunny hop part brings some peace into the run, that's mainly why I used a bhop script. Also for those who know the maps, the routes are legit haha!

I just need to work on the strat a bit, and the time should come down by quite a lot. Using a pipe bomb at tank would save so much time.

I will upload in a much better quality when I think the run is good enough. I'll figure how not to record my microphone. And also those weird messages and people connecting shouldn't be an issue in the next runs.

Hope you enjoy!

benang: Left 4 Dead
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSkippyy8 years ago

Could you put mariorunes64 runs from segmented coop to segmented solo, since he is running solo.

Also, could we add a fun category if I provide enough demos for it :D

Edit: mariorunes64 are indeed coop, so nevermind the first part of my comment.

benang: Left 4 Dead
Rhône-Alpes, FranceSkippyy9 years ago

Yo, game is not dead fam, have faith.

Tentang Skippyy
9 years ago
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Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead
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Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead
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