FinlandSimoteus2 years ago

Spiral is not used in most runs because it costs time to get it and it's slower than Shotgun. DMD is not very optimized so it's possible Spiral is useful there. I don't know how Kalina Ann's damage works, but it does good damage.

KevinHB menyukai ini
FinlandSimoteus3 years ago

Bulkich uses keyboard. Mekarazium does as well but his runs aren't on srcom right now.

KevinHB menyukai ini
benang: Nioh
FinlandSimoteus3 years ago

Late post, but after playing through Nioh 2, I have decided to rename two categories of Nioh: Any% is now Credits and All Main Missions Vanilla is now Any%. This is due to the Any% of Nioh 2 ending in the last main mission of the base game (unlocking NG+). Now the Any% categories of the two games are consistent. I also made Any% the default category.

Update: Changed All Main Missions LVL1 to Any% LVL1 and All Main Missions with DLC to Any% with DLC.

FinlandSimoteus3 years ago

I've added the Switch exclusive Bloody Palace (Co-Op) in the ILs. The run will be submitted under both Dante and Vergil. Both runners accounts (or names) will be required for them.

I will eventually add Bloody Palace (Free Style) once the new moderation tools come out.

benang: The Site
FinlandSimoteus3 years ago

Thanks for everything Pac! Good luck with your future endeavors. I wish all the best for Elo, but I hope they keep politics out of srcom.

Deux, Bogdan_mk, dan Wimti menyukai ini
FinlandSimoteus3 years ago

There's been a bug found in the timer, where it will split if you restart M20. This obviously does not invalidate the run, but it will default to RTA. This will eventually be fixed.

FinlandSimoteus3 years ago

The load removing timer (LRT) with autosplitter for LiveSplit started by Auddy has been finished by Mysterion_06_ and hies. It features load removal between rooms, which cuts off about 2.5 mins of any run, the option of splitting by each room and automatic reset in main menu (NG) or difficulty selection (NG+). As of now, the loadless time will be used to rank PC runs.

All PC runs must show the LRT at all times, otherwise they will be given the same LRT as the RTA. Old runs have a shared LRT/RTA due to srcom automatically ranking LRT times above RTA even if they are slower. Console runs will only have RTA. Individual levels including Bloody Palace go by in-game time alone.

The timer only pauses between rooms and in the in-game start menu. The reason why loads between cutscenes are not cut is that the 2006 version would save more time overall compared to the HD Collection, and if only HDC would have it, it would be reversed. As the timer pauses in the start menu, runners are allowed to take a breather if they so wish, though it is not encouraged as it makes reviewing the run more cumbersome.

Furthermore on Heaven or Hell, M20 does not split because Vergil's HP bar doesn't get loaded properly since the mission ends so quickly. While annoying, it is easy to time the end from the video.

Mysterion352 dan LonerHero menyukai ini
FinlandSimoteus3 years ago

I've added all 20 missions and all 6 difficulties for both characters in the Individual Levels section. Rules: Everything goes except super costumes and items. This means you can have maxed out HP/DT/Styles/Devil Arms/Guns. The timing method is IGT given at the end of each mission. Submissions require video and must show the difficulty select menu (before or after attempt) and result screen IGT.

Addendum: difficulty select menu can be shown either before or after the attempt. This means you can restart the mission faster by choosing restart mission instead of quit.

FinlandSimoteus4 years ago

I've added Switch as a main category. Runs done on Freestyle mode will go in it, while runs done on Original mode go in the other categories. In the run submission form, I've also added a variable above Platform so that the PC/console separation isn't visible in Switch and DA.

XAemonX dan Bulkanoidniy menyukai ini
FinlandSimoteus4 years ago

As per the results of the polls, I have put all PC and console runs under their own sub-categories and moved Any% and PS2DA in Miscellaneous.

Results Categorization: https://strawpoll.com/9cbk7gh9 Any% & DA: https://strawpoll.com/gyy923eg

LonerHero, DECosmic, dan witchakorn menyukai ini
FinlandSimoteus4 years ago

I have discussed this with PvtCb and we have created two polls for the runners of this game (people with submissions in it) to vote on. I will DM all runners of DMC3 who are in the Discord server using the DMC3 runner tag. I will keep the polls going until all eligible people have voted or two weeks have passed.

Poll #1 - Leaderboard categorization Option #1: Combine PC and console subcategories to two (PC, console) Option #2: Keep things as they are

Poll #2 - Any% & DA Option #1: Move both to Miscellaneous Option #2: Keep things as they are

witchakorn, Kunomori dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Nioh
FinlandSimoteus4 years ago

It works. Thank you based Santzo84

DigitalT dan AxelSanGo menyukai ini
benang: Nioh
FinlandSimoteus4 years ago

Due to the recent update on Nioh, the PC RTA no load plugin for LiveSplit by B3LYP broke. Until it works again, I will accept RTA submissions of PC runs.

benang: Nioh
FinlandSimoteus4 years ago

I've put the Abyss in the individual level leaderboard in 100 level segments. The rules are: Beat the Abyss levels X to Y. Timing is RTA. Timing starts from pressing continue on the Abyss and ends on the last hit of the last boss in the segment.

VictorKratos menyukai ini
FinlandSimoteus5 years ago

I have combined PS3/XBOX 360 and PS4/XBOX ONE as they are similar enough. This makes the leaderboard less cluttered. I have also changed PS2 to PS2SE (Special Edition) and made PS2DA (Dante's Awakening) which is the vanilla version only available on PS2. You can submit those runs there and now there is no need for another leaderboard just for Dante's Awakening.

Artylo, LonerHero, dan witchakorn menyukai ini
FinlandSimoteus5 years ago

I have put Bloody Palace in the Level Leaderboard and changed the timing method from RTA to IGT has it appears it is pretty consistent among different platforms. This way it is free of the other sub-categories (difficulty/platform). All BP runs must have the IGT at the end of the video.

dubravkoCRO, Artylo dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Nioh
FinlandSimoteus5 years ago

I added all difficulties as sub-categories for fullgame and ILs. Thus most runs are now found under NG. NG+ Samurai is for completing a NG+ run on Way of the Samurai difficulty. It is noteworthy that you cannot do The Man with the Guardian Spirit on that difficulty more than once, so you simply don't need to do it in the NG+ run. I also added DLC Main Missions to ILs as well as all difficulties and Twilight variants of them.

FinlandSimoteus5 years ago

Bloody Palace category has been created. Rules: Beat Bloody Palace. Timing starts from pressing Start in Bloody Palace mode and ends on final hit on Vergil 3. Super costumes allowed. Submit as Normal difficulty.

FinlandSimoteus5 years ago

The poll has been up for a week and received only 7 votes with 4 for RTA and 3 for RTA no load. As such, we will keep RTA as standard timing for now.

FinlandSimoteus5 years ago

Auddy has made an autosplitting load remover for the game in LiveSplit. It removes loads in blackscreens at the start and end of missions. It works for both 2006 and 2018 versions on PC. For whatever reason it only splits properly for me on the 2006 version on Dante NG Normal, but NG+ or Vergil runs don't split at the end. For me personally this is not a big issue and wiekds tested it and it worked just fine, so I assume others would also have it work, but not certain. From my testings the difference between RTA and RTA no load is about 30 seconds on Dante NG Normal. Not that huge, but this could make the two PC versions more fair in contrast to each other. Vote if you want RTA to stay as the timing that matters or if you want RTA no load as the standard.


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