Florida, USASierraKiloZulu4 years ago

Also one question. You say by all means use it. Are you saying that you can use mod installer?

No I'm not. I was suggesting by all means use it in regards to getting the disc version. We also allow using a modloader with the disc to enable users to correct and make controllers usable as well as some other mods as listed in the rules explicitly.

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu4 years ago

It can also convert the Steam version of SADX into a fully functional 2004 port with mod support.

Just to sorta explain what a lot of these modloaders do to steam. They nix the steam EXE and many times replace it with the Disc version and alter how files are loaded which introduce some odd changes to the game. One of the key ones is rocket killing you but not the canon in Sky Deck. It does this (i believe) because how the .adx files are handled in the game.

We've known about much of what you're suggesting and decided against doing that after much trial and tribulation.

Yeah I explored having the mod creator helping us make a speedrun friendly BSADX. But we revisited that and decided it wasn't close enough to the original releases of the game. We can always revisit this again but honestly, using mod loader conversion and BSADX BOTH do the exact same thing downloading disc does. It does not FIX anything.

I always say buy steam version as steam version will benefit SEGA directly. If you can get your hands on the disc version through a friend, by all means use that as it (with input mod) is better and feels a lot nicer to run.

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

Unofficial Versions are any modded versions such as Better SADX or versions not directly developed by Sonic Team or SEGA. So officially the accepted versions of the game are: '98 Dreamcast Release '03 Gamecube Port '03-04 PC Disc Release '10 Xbox/PS3 Release '11 Steam Release

These are the generally accepted versions as they are directly from SEGA/Sonic Team.

SaikethX menyukai ini
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

That quality is more than fine. Amarec would just be for interfacing for with the capture card and using with your recording software of choice. You can upload or stream video proof, just submit it as a link when you submit your Personal Best for Verification.

Only rules concerning manual splits are that your first split begins on fadeout from character select and ends after the timer stops on the boss.* (This may be different depending on the category you're running so please consult the rules on each leaderboard's rules tab)

We can adjust for most mistakes you make with timing. Good luck and look forward to seeing your run.

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

I'd recommend getting a GV-USB2 https://www.amazon.com/DATA-connection-video-capture-GV-USB2/dp/B00428BF1Y It's cheap and good quality. (EasyCap works too so you're also good) You'll just have to take some time with setup with Amarec. If that's not possible, a phone or camera recording of your tv screen will be serviceable until you're able to get an appropriate capture solution. As a rule of thumb for video quality, we expect all videos to be legible enough to see the timer, life counter and general movement with no interruptions as well as preferably having your timer somewhere visible in the video.

There is currently no autosplitter for Dreamcast, so you'll have to manually start and split during the run.

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

@shekshrek after your latest bit of proof showing your setup your run has now been verified and this matter is closed. I apologize for the hassle this must have been and hope you continue to run this game on Gamecube as you have.

benang: The Site
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

@Dangerless I've spoken with @Treya and they're perfectly fine with it. I can ask them to post ITT if you need that proof. I've been incontact with them through the Spark Speedrunning Discord we have.

benang: The Site
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

Howdy, I'd like to request a series for Spark the Electric Jester now that we have two Spark games

Associated lbs are: https://www.speedrun.com/spark/ https://www.speedrun.com/spark2/

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

If you have access to Discord or another service you and DM me information by adding me or contact me on twitter and we can work from there. As of currently, your run has too many red flags concerning it. I can not be expected to verify it with the very clear issues it currently has. If your capture card is not proficient enough for capturing the game, you are more than welcome to record your game using a phone in order to capture your best attempt on an IL.

Twitter: @Shanekilz Discord: Shanekilz#1337

If you contact me on any platform, I'd be more than happy to help you.

IronInvoker47 menyukai ini
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

The run was clearly an emulated run, unless you can prove otherwise. Can you show me what you used to record the run and what controller you used for the run?

IronInvoker47 menyukai ini
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu5 years ago

No. The major problem with most emulators, and why emulators are banned is due to the inaccuracies with loads and the emulation with the systems they are trying to imitate. Until we see more accurate emulators and emulation, we'd probably look into the issue again and change the rules accordingly.

For now it remains a no.

StewMan46 menyukai ini
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu7 years ago

Hello everyone!

In the past few weeks, the SADX Moderation Team made a few changes on the rules for the game, based on community feedback.

First of all, we decided to go back and reallow CCEF for runs. The reason behind this decision is because it is an available option for people running the PC Disc version of the game. You can use it if you feel more comfortable with it. The SADX 2004 disc release had all of the code to reset the camera back to the selected option while changing zones or dying, but due to a development error in the code it never worked.

You may have noticed that the board is ranked by RTA now. We decided to do that because there are not many runs with IGT yet, so the board looks very weird when ranked by IGT. It's gonna be reverted when we have enough runs with IGT.

60 and 63 FPS mods are allowed again. As it doesn't change IGT, so there's no reason to keep it banned.

Now for some changes in the board structure: We decided to separate the boards by platforms as subcategories. That way, we expect console runs to get more popular and competitive among them, and at the same time we won't have to find a way to compare console runs to PC runs.

And finally, we added all IL categories for the game! Go ahead and submit your times!! You can use the Emblem glitch to reduce times with ease. We do ask you not to arbitrarily submit ILs that do not exist. The IL board is a new thing for us, and we're actively working on improving how we handle them. Expect changes to happen with them a few times in the coming weeks.

If there's any question about the changes, feel free to ask!

Refrag dan Sora menyukai ini
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu7 years ago

What exactly? BetterSADX is currently allowed. However framelock and inputfix as of now are not allowed.

For the time being that is.

Edit: This was changed a few years back.

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu7 years ago

Hello CheatFreak, surprised to see you here, though I do appreciate the olive branch.

We've spoken before, and I appreciate you taking the time outta your day to give us some further insight into BetterSADX. I appreciate all the work you've done and continue to do in order to help SADX become a more accessible game for runners to get, seeing as the only easy way for them to get it is by downloading a sketchy .rar file and add mods in itself. It really does streamline it, and makes it easier for them not to have to tweak the game often in order to get it to run correctly.

Now to get into the meat.

Input Mod: I didn't realize that you had a more or less improved version of xinput, however, I'd need to inquire about how it may affect all inputs and controllers going forward. Because whilst it sounds great, I don't know the full effects of it on the game. Perhaps it will allow more runners to use a larger pool of controllers for the game by quelling the rather strange way the game reads it. Will definitely have to look into it.

Anyways, thanks for the post and I'll definitely look into what you've brought up.

cheatfreak47 menyukai ini
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu8 years ago

I have already spoken to ShiningFace about it. It is currently in development, picking back up from where VeritasDL left off with the timer. I've been for the most part, letting him get it done on his own time however, because he also develops other loadless/in-game timers for other games. It's taking time, but it looks promising, by utilizing the frame counter address.

It's a long way from being done. But it seems to be in continued progress. Like Gpro has said, if you wanna look into it more, ShiningFace is your guy.

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu9 years ago

Have you tried the most recent iteration of it that's on this website?

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu9 years ago

Well, the current mod we have sufficiently fixes their 1 byte error in the code so that it stores correctly like it does on the steam version. VeritasDL knows far more about it than I do, however it does infact work.

Edit: The mod I'm referring to would be CCEF, Camera Code Error Fix. It makes the the game's camera run exactly like steam's camera does. It should be in the resources on here.

Florida, USASierraKiloZulu9 years ago

Thread moved to appropriate forum.

benang: The Site
Florida, USASierraKiloZulu10 years ago

Hey, I'll make this short and sweet.

Maybe Rom Hacks could possibly get the addition of a description, or a download link on the Rom Hack page. It'd be nice to organize the Rom Hack that way, and possibly have addition information about it there.

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