Maryland, USAShiningDragoon2 years ago

I explained my reasoning in the other forum post. If you want a free wr you need to prove that the rom for "US Set 2" is actually different than "US Set 1". As far as I knew there was only 2 versions. However at some point someone renamed the old US Set 2 to US Set 3 (old version). Both the US Set 1 and Set 2 roms (online) have the same title screen etc. I don't know about the full game itself. US Set 3 has the difference in starting text.

Maryland, USAShiningDragoon2 years ago

Ok so when I added the US set versions 1 and 2, as far as I knew those were the only US versions. However if you search for this game online to find a rom to play. You find Sets 1, 2, and 3 (old version). As far as I can tell Set 3 (oldversion) is what the labeled the original version of the rygar US cabinet. Then they have the "set 2" and then "Set 1" both set 1 and set 2 have the corrected title screen etc. They seem to be the same version. I believe (complete conjecture) that one was mislabeled after they made the Set 3 (old version).

If I'm wrong I'll switch it to 3 separate categories. But for now I'm only having the 2 which I can easily tell the difference on based on Title Screen saying. "All Rights Reserved" vs "All Right Reserved". But if there is an actual difference. And people are willing to show the rom version CLEARLY I'll make 3 categories. Then again you can just rename things.....

benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon2 years ago

Sounds good to me. If we get a ton more submissions to that we can always readjust. But NES speedruns overall are kind of dying a bit. Sadly I'm not helping in that regards haha. So little extra time after getting married, especially with kid 2 on the way lol.

peco_de_guile dan Slackanater menyukai ini
benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon2 years ago

Yeah deathless was more to just eliminate wrong warps and death warps and make a "no miss category". The glitches for getting through the ground, while not really known at the time doesn't put you into a completely different area. You are still in the bounds of the level itself and not breaking the wall to get to other completely different chunks. So you still need to play through the game basically normally but can take a shortcut or two just like the older bug jump, or abuse a mechanic in order to beat the game a little faster. I could just rename it Any% No WW/Deaths to make it more obvious? Or No OOB/Deaths

In regards to the second i'm not sure. I didn't realize the pal difference for that one. I guess the US version doesn't allow the left sided screen scroll to get to Ligar into that easy to dodge glitch state. I could make Pal Damageless (I think he didn't take damage?) and NTSC Damageless

It all depends on the board it seems if they consider Pal a different game. For this one due to some funniness the pixel placement seems displaced, allowing for jumps that normally can't be made and screen scrolls that normally can't be made. So you can argue that the changes allow for the creation of two categories.

Slackanater menyukai ini
benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

Oh wait so the bouncing works but you sometimes randomly take damage? Hmm must be an odd position then. Maybe slightly too far front/back? It's been a while since I've done the bouncing but I don't remember being hit very often. But it is possible the jp version may help too.

benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

Yeah sadly this is a version/region specific trick. I just bought a JP version cart because it was simpler. Japanese version in general has this as a thing because it was never patched. But the US version has it as an original release only trick (PRG0) there is a forum post on how to identify that. Otherwise you just need a rom that is one of the two. I think someone posted a rom checker in the forums as well?

Of the two versions though JP version has no other differences that we are aware of compared to PRG0 in regards to speed running. It does however have some different songs.

Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

Fast Disc Speed. Basically the PS2 uses something that allows it to "speed up" the speed of the disc. Making some things load faster but can lead to breaking other things. In one persons test it broke cutscenes etc. But another person (I believe it's been a while) said their cutscenes and audio weren't affected so it could have been a bad disc or console for the other as well. If basically all it does is make load times faster it would be the optimal way of playing this loading simulator lol.

Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

It's been brought to my attention that there are some differences between the the US and JP version that necessitates a split. Lets get some more runs in to fill up those boards. GLHF

Update: (Copied from https://www.gamesdatabase.org/mame-rom/rygar) The differences between the US (set 1) and US (set 2) are :

  • 'Set 2' has a bug in the code which lets p2 start a game when p1 is already playing. You need to set a dip-switch to enable this behavior (it is usually on by default). If you press '2' while p1 is playing a single player game, 'Set 2' will check that you have 1 or more credit before it registers that you're now in a 2 player game, but it won't deduct the credit. That's a bad bug and probably accounts for why a bug-fix version was released.

  • In 'Set 2', if p2 starts while p1 is already playing, it says 'playre2' instead of 'player2' at the top right.

  • The first screen of 'Set 2' says 'ALL RIGHT RESERVED' - missing an 'S' - that's fixed in 'Set 1'

The differences between the US and Japanese (Argus no Senshi) are :

  • The demo sequences are different.

  • The Japanese version seems to have more hidden powers, stars and an extra free life.

  • The US version is more biased towards stars and explosions.

Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

No worries, It happens haha. Not that the glitchless win takes much more skill though :P.

Just makes me laugh where all of the bosses are scarier than the final boss in glitchless. Hmm I wonder if there could be a strat to save time on final boss by using an invisibility potion or two and face tank boss. But I feel like the whip doesn't go far enough... And missiles would prob just hit the turrets. Tnt turrets and take em down fast and then missile? Nah.... Tnt prob won't work on the boss like most of the others.

benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

There are none that has been set up as far as I know. Unless something new is popped up (or someone creates it). Sadly I myself am not using discord or gaming a huge amount these days lol. I just check speedrun.com every once in a while to verify junk and answer questions sometimes haha.

benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

Yeah I did that route for my 100% (warps obviously) I think that version it might not actually save time. Well the way I did it. I did it without the hoverwalking which saves time from going to eruga to ww to belzar. I was never quite sure if it saved time since you had to go to eruga twice. But this way it probably does save time. If you guys want to hover walk so much go for it hahaha. I do agree that you maybe overleveled the grind early on. But that sweet spot is hard to tell. possible 30 or so second save depending (complete guess).

So same basic idea but completely different route lol. Nice job on the quick Tas

benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

Pal I think has some clips possibly that NA/JP version can't do? (Or maybe those are all tas anyway) they can make some jumps that we can't saving some time. But I think overall it's a slower run, and you basically have to double assault and assail last boss to have a good chance of living lol. like 1:26 of this video

I Think, that's a tas only ability maybe possible in both versions, But it could be pal only....... No idea how to trigger it at least.

AkashicRecord77 menyukai ini
benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

I couldn't find a PRG0 so I did the JP version. And yeah no differences as far as we could all tell. Even text differences don't matter since you don't have to wait for them to finish talking in non any% (from what I remember).

benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

Yup, as long as you can make the jump you are set. You can always finish a run if you really want to lol. If you miss the jump, or fail the first boss ww, you can still do it all over again.

AkashicRecord77 menyukai ini
benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon3 years ago

Air walking isn't required to break the 8 minutes so you def got that. But it definitely takes some practice, muscle memory, and a good controller (or bad lol).

AkashicRecord77 menyukai ini
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon4 years ago

Emulators are allowed however, avoid using Visual Boy. Gambatte/BGB/Bizhawk preferred (first two I think are better than Bizhawk?) http://www.gbrunners.com/game-boy-speedrunning-explained

benang: Rygar (NES)
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon4 years ago

Yeah just don't hit the rewind ever :P

Other than that I don't believe I've heard any of the other "NES Classics" have an advantage?

Also done.

Shauny7188 dan ClassicGameDad menyukai ini
Maryland, USAShiningDragoon4 years ago

also sorry for super super super late reply I don't know why i was never notified by these forums. You can yell at us on other media too haha. (obviously this is 2 years old)

Maryland, USAShiningDragoon4 years ago

I don't care much about emulators. Just submit what version you are using etc. If the game loads much faster or runs much faster in an obvious way an EMU category might be created.

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