Castilla y León, SpainSLr6 years ago

I meant "assume" and not "admit"... I spoke French in a English sentence...

What would you do ? I'm not trying to do that, I'm wondering, as a mod, if it would be wise to refuse a run because the person didn't even try to go fast.

Should I refuse, let's say, a 12 hours run for Resident Evil 2 remake ? (people take between 54 to 1h30 to beat it) (also, I'm using RE2 as an example)

Would you refuse such run ?

Dracaarys dan kadiwa menyukai ini
Castilla y León, SpainSLr6 years ago

Here's the link to the Discord server : https://discord.gg/WnmkhJt

Discord will notify you as soon as someone is streaming Blue Stinger, you can ask for help, learn about the latest discoveries and strats or simply have fun with Blue Stinger fans.

Castilla y León, SpainSLr6 years ago

To celebrate this very special Christmas, here are my findings for this game. Fans might be interested in those little anecdotes... I know I would ^-^


The meaning of the names :

Nephilim : means "Those who have fallen" in Hebrew which is a reference to Nephilim falling from the sky.

Jascony : is a reference to Sinbad's 1001 nights tale, Jasconius is the name of the island which is actually a giant turtle ! In reference to the Dinosaur island which is an egg basically.

Eliot : Again from Hebrew, the prophet of Israel "Elie". Eliot is the hero and has been chosen by Nehilim.

Aegis : Means "shield" in Greek, and Aegis is the satellite that protects the island.

About Dogs Bower :

Dogs Bower's boat is called the SS Deanna which comes from Diane (in Latin) or Artemis (in Greek) which is the goddess of hunting and Dogs' main weapon is a bow...

Something I've realized pretty late in my life, is that Dogs was most probably in the helicopter that crashed in the very first cutscene. This would explain why he appears on the pier and then disappears. Maybe he went back to the helicopter to get his bow... Who knows.

Infinite boss :

When you enter a boss room, the condition for the boss to appear is the presence of certain items in your inventory : the item they give you when they die.

So, if you kill a boss and quickly leave the room, you can re-enter and fight it again... and you can repeat that as much as you want. Handy if you want to practice fighting against some of them.

Crates glitch :

If Eliot is equipped with the close quarter weapon "Iron fist" you can push crates by hitting them. It's slow, seemingly useless so far but maybe one day someone will find a way to make that useful.

If you place a crate close to a wall but leave enough room to let Eliot stand between the wall and the crate, you can punch the wall and get pushed backward, you'll end up "stuck" in the crate. Again, so far, it's useless but maybe someday...

O² reserve :

Maybe you didn't notice, but you can only spend 40 seconds underwater. Once you have the O² reserve, you can spend up to 1 minute and 20 seconds underwater.

Cut-scenes, radio calls and CG length :

The combine length of the cut-scenes, CG and radio calls is around 58 minutes. So basically, Blue Stinger takes roughly an hour of actual gameplay.

Out of bounds (OoB) :

I've been able to go out of bounds once in almost 20 years, but don't get too excited... My character got stuck... and it was underwater... so I've watched my character suffocate and couldn't do anything about it. Why is it important : Going from one place to another one requires you to use doors and apparently you can't move if you're out of bounds. This indicates me that going out of bounds will most likely never be useful in Blue Stinger.

There are items out of bounds ! If you place the camera at certain angles you can get a sneak peek at what's out of bounds and sometimes, you can see an item. From what I could see, there is an OoB item out of each room where you'll get an item (from someone or something). My theory : Items need to be loaded in the scene when you enter the room. So, the item(s) you'll receive in this room are stored outside those rooms and copied when needed.

There is an OoB item in the room where Roland is (the Hello Market manager) and it looks to be pretty big, the size of a decent weapon. Here, I have a theory too : I think the Shotgun you get from saving Roland was initially planned to be handed out to you directly by Roland. But devs changed it while developing the game and left this weapon OoB as no one could reach it anyway.

How to know EXACTLY when Nephilim falls :

During the cut-scene in the Gigadent, you can see exactly when the Aegis satellite was destroyed. In all the gibberish written on screen, there are actually some "useful" infos.

Here you go, those are my little known facts about Blue Stinger, they are all listed on my website for a while now but since the site is in French, I thought I would share with my fellow English speaker speedrunners.

If you have theories, cool facts, anecdotes and/or glitches to share, I'm all ears !!! Please share them below ! Happy very special Christmas !

Castilla y León, SpainSLr6 years ago

The 24th of December 2018 is the exact date when the events of Blue Stinger take place ! The meteor (Nephilim) hits the Aegis satellite at exactly 14h35 and 52 seconds.

If you start the game at exactly 14h31 and 49 seconds, you will play at the exact moment where the game is supposed to take place ! How awesome is that !!!?

Here are the exact moment when you'd need to start the game to be synchronized. Press "New game" on the main menu and let the introduction roll out, the moment when Nephilim hits Kimra Corporation's satellite will happen roughly at the same time it would happen in the game.

United Kingdom Mon, 24 Dec 2018 20:31:49

Washington DC, DC, USA Mon, 24 Dec 2018 15:31:49

Los Angeles, CA, USA Mon, 24 Dec 2018 12:31:49

Moscow, Russia Mon, 24 Dec 2018 23:31:49

Paris, France Mon, 24 Dec 2018 21:31:49

Mumbai, India Tue, 25 Dec 2018 02:01:49

Tokyo, Japan Tue, 25 Dec 2018 05:31:49

Sydney, Australia Tue, 25 Dec 2018 07:31:49

These things don't happen very often, it happened with "Back to the future" a few years ago, and now it's Blue Stinger's time to shine !

"What are we going to do if the monsters attack while we are butt naked ?!" "We'll fight back butt naked !!!"

Happy special Christmas !

Mhmd_FVC, sai_ryusei, dan MrSilentVid menyukai ini
Castilla y León, SpainSLr6 years ago

Why in-game timer ?

Using real-time clock would create a barrier of entry, not everyone has the mean to reliably time their runs. It would also make runs verification harder, and cheating easier. Real-time clock would also make segmented runs impossible (see next point). The in-game timer is precise enough (down to the second), a full run lasts long enough to make ties extremely rare. And to quote RWhiteGoose - a famous GoldenEye 64 runner - : "who are we to contradict the game ?!". On that note, I invite you to watch his video on this topic as it fits Blue Stinger too :

Why segmented runs are allowed ?

Again, I don't want to create a barrier of entry for (new) runners. Not everyone can sit and play for 2-3 hours at once, I don't want to prevent people with medical condition or kids from playing this game when there is no valid reason to ban segmented runs. Plus, segmented runs don't give any advantage, if anything, the need to save the game makes you lose time.

Missing categories ?

Ideally, the game should be divided in a huge amount of different categories. Easy, Normal, Hard, Easy NG+, Normal NG+, Hard NG+, Easy NG+ Mad mode, etc etc etc. Not an issue in and of itself, but Blue Stinger community is pretty small, everyone would be first with no competition and competition is what most likely brings you here in the first place. If a category is currently missing (NTSC-J Normal NG+ no mad mode for instance) and you desire to run it, I will create the category. In the mean time, I think it's better to keep the leaderboard as tidy as possible so long as there are only a handful of runners.

How does the verification process works ?

Again, we are just a handful of runners so far, so I can get to know and remember each one of us. If I can establish that you have the skill and knowledge to do a low time, then I won't ask for as much proofs for all subsequent runs. If you made a well documented run and beat your time the "next day" with only a picture of the in-game timer screen, I will trust you. Keep in mind that someone can question one of your runs and if I can't make a strong case in your favor then I won't have any choice but to notify you that I will reject your run. Though, you will be notified in advance and have a chance to defend yourself and provide further proof(s).

What about emulated runs ?

They will have to be in a different category. As an example, if the emulator is off by 0.1Hz, you could get a few second (dis)advantage compared to people who play on Dreamcast hardware.

I hope everything makes sense to you, that you can understand where I'm coming from and what motivated my choices when creating the rules. Nothing is set in stone (I won't change the rules overnight though, it wouldn't be fair), I'm willing to discuss or argue any point in this list and find a consensus.

Castilla y León, SpainSLr8 years ago

I'm happy to report that a new record has been set today ! AnkhM_ (aka "Vieux gamer") succed to beat the game in 3 hours and 3 minutes, he's now on the verge of becoming the new champion ! Watch out SLr ! Username: AnkhM_ Categorie: Pal(EU) Dreamcast, New game + (no mad mode) Difficulty: Normal Time: 3h03m31s Rank: 1st Congratulations !

AnkhM_ menyukai ini
Castilla y León, SpainSLr9 years ago

Salut mon ami, toujours envie d'un partenaire/compétiteur pour Omikron: the nomad soul ? Je possède le jeu sur dreamcast et PC, je le connais plutôt bien j'ai toujours voulu le tenter en speedrun. Faute de compétiteurs/partenaires pour me motiver je ne l'ai jamais runné. Je ne suis pas un speedrunner aguerri, je n'aime pas beaucoup la compétition, ta première place n'a pas grand chose à craindre =) Ce sera pour moi (nous?) une bonne occasion de s'y remettre !

tiens moi au courant !


Castilla y León, SpainSLr9 years ago

Hello, I'm SLr and I'am a french who lives in England (I don't have a proper english yet).

I'm propably the best player of Blue Stinger see that nobody plays it except me ! I'm here to be beaten, I want peoples to play Blue Stinger on Dreamcast and destroye my records !!! Why ? Because this game is awesome and I don't want to be world record, it's to much pressure ^^

I'll post my best time as soon as I figure how this website works, check my youtube channel to see my runs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9nYRvqTNooM3AfJ8Bt7nwQ

Ready to beat me ?

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