Hey Hippochan,
many thanks for your explanations!
Yeah my PS1 version is german, but now I play on the ePSXe 2.0 emulator in english! (btw. why is only version 2.0.0 allowed and not the newest 2.0.5? because in the rules only 2.0.0 is mantioned as allowed, so i downloaded this older version, im just curious.)
two more questions that come to my mind, I hope these are the last xD :
Is there a folder or something else I can record at the start like in the game files or emulator files to prrove i dont use RNG manip? its one of my "biggest fears" to get a super lucky run in a RNG heavy game and it beeing rejected because i was "too lucky" whilest in reality i didnt manipulate anything and just got really lucky :D
Since there are speedruns with like 20 hours or even more I am wondering if I can take the speedrun in 2 oder 3 sessions? Or does it have to be 1 singel sitting?
Once again thanks a lot! :D
Hey guys :)
I just came across this game and recently bought in on ebay.
I think it will take a few weeks until my first serious speedrun, but I have 2 questions, hope you can help me out:
I am going to play on the Playstaion 2, so no emulator, Therefore is it allowed that I just film the TV screen or do i really need to record a video of the actual game on the PS2, I saw on Youtube its possible to record the PS2 with some adapters and stuff, but would maybe like to avoid it.
I have the game in german language, it is still valid to speedrun or does it need to be english?
edit: I just played the emulator version the first time, I think I will stick with that, but still would be nice if somebody could answer my questions.
Thanks :)
What about reaching 5000? 10000? population? Why stop when you are in the council of crowns?
This is my first game i speedrun, will upload my run later. I am not that much into the game, but if there is no real ending after the council of crowns we could just say get to a population of "...." the fastest?