Dont think this has been done before but it gives me a lil something to work towards!
As of 8/28/2021,
Restarts will not be allowed during a run. A restart within a run nullifies IGT and RT will be utilized for placing.
- Individual cups have been added to further flesh out the categories.
- The "Mirror mode" category has been removed.
- Tournament rules have been updated to reflect RT timing.
We absolutely should change how this leaderboard is set up, for the sake of the integrity of runs, be that reset-less & reset categories made or a complete revamp of Tournament. Resetting mid run entirely ruins the point of speedrunning the game. There is no risk. In most cases, a reset would nullify the IGT and RT would be used for the placing on the leaderboard.
We can completely change how splits are maintained, with manually inputting times into our splits. Its how Antz Extreme Racing maintains their split integrity, and I think we should include that here. Im sure we can get a template created and shared into the "Resources" tab, if that is what is desired.
There is a general discord with individual game text channels. I just joined it myself :)