benang: Half-Life 2
RussiaQwaraka1 year ago

Thank you so much for your help! Drop FPS to 30 helped! <3

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benang: Half-Life 2
RussiaQwaraka1 year ago

Dear HL2 experts and gurus. Your help is needed again. I ran into a problem on the video, for some reason I always fly down, although I should fly straight into the turret. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong, or for what reason it might not work?

benang: Half-Life 2
RussiaQwaraka1 year ago

Thank you so much, Luren! Indeed, it was necessary to go higher and the problem was solved! You can try running again)) <3

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benang: Half-Life 2
RussiaQwaraka1 year ago

In this video, the game client is from Steam. But when I tried to repeat it on an unofficial client, I'm doing great.

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benang: Half-Life 2
RussiaQwaraka1 year ago

Hello everyone. Faced with such a situation that yesclip stopped working. I used to do it and everything worked out, but I updated the computer, put a more powerful processor, a new 4060 videocard and yesclip stopped working... Maybe someone has come across this? Or does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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Tentang Qwaraka
1 year ago
10 months ago