ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, I did some runs of this, but I still don't understand the no sprinting categories. What does Sprinting mean in this game? How do you do it? Pressing the shift button makes the corners of the screen go black, but it doesn't seem to change anything related to the gameplay, is that the "sprint"? So yeah, what does sprinting means, so I can do runs for the other categories correctly.

Gaming_64 menyukai ini
ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so after running this game on all difficulties, I noticed some of the categories here are kind of unnecessary: Deathless is extremely hard (almost impossible) given the mechanics of the game, not only the speed + controls, but there are even some levels where you depend 100% on luck (Like level 19), and also there are some levels like 22 where it bugs and you die because of the character getting glitched on a spike while the level loads. Also, it's kind of dumb to put it as a separate category, after all, the fastest run possible will always be deathless, so a deathless run would always be WR on any%.

It also doesn't make much sense to include ILs leaderboards as most of the levels take 1-5 seconds to complete, and in some of them you just have to press 1 or 2 buttons in order to complete them. It just seems kinda unnecessary. So yeah, I just think that Deathless and ILs don't make sense and should be deleted imo, after all there is way too many categories for a game that has only 1 runner (Currently only me).

Gaming_64 menyukai ini
ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so I was planning on running this game, but I have some questions about the categories: I tried doing Gemskip (no double jump in this case), but it seems that you can't get over the last wall on 3000m without double jumping. Is there a way to do it? Or is Gemskip impossible in this game? Also I was wondering how many mushrooms were needed to 100% this game, as there are no rules currently on the categories. I found 15 mushrooms + a key that doesn't seem to open anything. So I don't know if I missed one or if that's all.

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hi, I was planning on running this game but I'm actually a bit confused about the category since the game is on japanese. There doesn't seem to be any "Tournament Mode" in the game, so which gamemode is the category referring to?

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so I've been trying to speedrun the MVS version of this game, and it seems the fastest way is by trying to do the Infinite combo for Kyo, as it's shown in the current WR.

I've been trying to trigger it: I do the kick jump, then a punch, but whenever I try to start the combo with the next kick the rival always seems to block it. Is there something I'm missing? Or am I just too slow? How do you trigger this combo correctly?

1stDanSNK9495 menyukai ini
ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so I checked every single game that has a category here, and I can now say that the leaderboards are a complete mess: Half of the games either aren't available, or they are just too dumb/not speedrunnable.

I made a list of the games that don't make sense on this leaderboard:

  1. Extremely Dumb Games Pokemon Art Academy You can't really speedrun this, it's just clicking continue for over an hour. Really dumb and boring speedrun to do. Pokemon Roll Call Rhythm Game This isn't even speedrunnable, it's an autoscroller for a song, which is also extremely easy to complete and has a max score, which doesn't make sense for a highscore category. Pokemon Say Tap Exactly the same as Roll Call Rhythm Game
  2. Not Available outside of Japan Pokemon Mezastar Pikachu Great Surfing Adventure Wobbuffet Fell Down Tug of War Tournament All of these 4 games are for arcade machines that are only available in certain places of Japan. There is no rom or emulation available for them, which makes them almost impossible to be played, let alone do a speedrun of.
  3. Obscure Platforms Pokemon Hiragana and Katakana Adventure in the Maze Big Sports Meet Sega Pico and Advanced PicoBeena are quite obscure platforms that are also only available in Japan. There are no roms for "Adventure in the Maze" and "Big Sports Meet", and the rom available for "Hiragana and Katakana" is unplayable given that it doesn't emulate the book with the letters to choose from. Eevee Tamagotchi Again, extremely obscure platform that is also only available in Japan. Obviously, there is no emulation or anything for this and it's almost completely impossible to get one of these to run.
  4. Games that aren't available anymore Pokemon PC Master This game is lost and there is no way of playing it, except for a trial version that only loads until the menu, without any gameplay at all. Pokemon Virtual Fest This was an event at a VR game that isn't available anymore given it was a timed event, so it's literally impossible to do a speedrun of this. Pokemon Dream World Servers are down, the game doesn't exist anymore, it's impossible to speedrun it. Gold Rescue Team This game is also lost, there isn't any way of playing it. Fishing Rally DS Another lost game. There is already a leaderboard for the Unity remake so it doesn't really make sense that this one has a leaderboard too. Rumble Rush Servers are dead. Pokeduel Servers are dead, and the only run on the leaderboard isn't even a speedrun, it's just a guy that recorded himself playing and then claimed WR since he is the only one that recorded a full run like that. Pokemate Another lost game.
  5. ??? Pokeball I literally don't know what this game is supposed to be. If it's one of the pokeball flash games, then it's fine, but if it's that Pokeball toy thing then it's incredibly dumb to include, since it falls into the same category as the Eevee Tamagotchi thing.

All the games I mentioned are completely unnecessary and/or dumb and just make the leaderboards messier and confusing. My proposal is to delete most of these categories I mentioned, if not all, or at least discuss what can be done with them, cause in it's current state the leaderboard is just a disaster.

The other games I didn't mention are fine and should remain on the leaderboard imo. Thanks.

(Also sorry for the long post).

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so I posted this in the discord but I got no answer: The 1P 1 Maze Emulator WR by Keglton has something weird going on at the end: When he reaches the end the whole maze starts flashing, but the maze shown during the flash is different from the one he completed. This doesnt happen in other runs as far as I've seen. Basically the road that he did during the run is shown blocked when the map starts flashing. I don't know if that's normal or not, but if it isn't, it might be a cheated WR(? What do you think about it?

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hello, it says on the rules that emulators are banned? What is the reason for that? I tried the game on DeSmuMe and it works fine. I was planning on doing a run of this game, so I would like to know if emulators are actually banned and why. Thanks.

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so I was trying to complete some runs of this game, but some of these categories are actually extremely hard, and really close to being impossible. Child difficulty is really easy and simple, but it's really hard to get past more than 3 levels in any of the other categories. 10 levels is just ridiculous and not really suited for a competitive speedrun. I think 10 levels shouldn't be a category, and longer categories should either be 3, or 5 (even tho that is still a lot, it's more feasible to do in a speedrun rather than 10 levels.)

The other option is that I actually suck at this game, but I honestly feel the game is just really hard. Anyway, what do you think?

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so the page that seems to have this game says "Download not Available", and doesn't let me download the game: https://delicious-fruit.com/ratings/game_details.php?id=10570 Is there any other place to get this fangame? Or am I doing something wrong?

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so I looked up this game and it seems to be an interactive mini-game for those old 2000s DVD Blu-ray menus. I was wondering if there is anyway to play this game (and DinoSearch) without having a physical copy of the movie DVD. I mean, if there is a way to play this on an emulator or something, or a place to download it or anything like that, cause I couldn't find anything online.

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

I was wondering what the category was about? Does it mean to just play a random song? Cause if it's like that, then it's not really a speedrun, there is no way to go fast. Also it doesn't really make sense to only allow actual Arcade machines. This makes it impossible for anyone that isn't in Japan to try this, given that's the only place there are Arcade machines for it.

Basically, I think there is no actual way of speedrunning this game, and it's almost inaccesible for most people, so it doesn't make sense for it to have a leaderboard here in my opinion.

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey so I submitted a run with a random video the other day because I wanted to confirm that this was indeed a "plane" game.

I know the game is indeed speedrunnable, but the fact that you are only able to play it on an Airplane makes it pretty much impossible to run. It implies first being able to afford an airplane trip, but also having to take a trip to somewhere else, just to make a run of this game. And on top of that, you would have to go to the specific Airline (Delta, apparently) that has this game on this seats. And it would get even worse if you consider trying to beat someone's time or grind the game, as it implies having to spend a lot of time on plane trips, which is something that's not really affordable to pretty much anyone.

In other words, it's impossible for this speedrun to be competitive for a lot of external reasons, and because of this there is no point of having this leaderboard and imo it should be deleted.

But yeah just throwing my opinion about this here, don't know what you guys think. There's also a whole lot other reasons why this leaderboard wouldn't work, but I think these are the most important ones.

Wrap menyukai ini
ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so turns out I did a full game run of this game a long time ago: https://www.speedrun.com/blue_escape_hardcore_platformer But now I found this other leaderboard. Is it the same game? If so, could you add a category for me to submit the run? I'll talk to the mod of the other board to delete it if it's duplicated.

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so I was going to try to beat some WRs of this, but the times are wrong: Level 1 isn't 6.600, it's actually 6.783 Even though it's a small difference, it's a lot if you are trying to beat it. I don't know if the other levels are badly timed too. Could you please fix this? Thanks.

Also the game is complete now. It would be nice to add the last 2 levels to IL. And also delete the "Level 10 Any%" category, given that it even says in the rules that it's a placeholder category until the full game is out.

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so where can I download/play this game? I searched through Google and the Play Store but I couldn't find absolutely anything about it.

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, where can I play/download this game? This is the only game of the series that is not on the play store, and all the other apks I found seem to be for iPhone/iPod. Is there a way to play this if you don't have an Apple device?

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

The WR for Fighters currently is the longest time out of the 3, the leaderboards times are inverted, please fix this.

ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

What is this game, where can I get it?

Zanum menyukai ini
ArgentinaPulMatrox2 years ago

Hey, so the current categories (Short, Medium, Long, Marathon Game) are not really suited for speedrunning. Unlike Mario Party, or other party games, the order of the games isn't random, and given that most of the minigames have timers, there really isn't much to improve except for getting the fastest game list.

So I thought of deleting those categories and making just a category for the minigames that aren't timed (and you can actually improve). You can do this by creating a custom game and choosing only those minigames. I think it would be better than doing an hour of timed games in which there is nothing to do but wait for the timer to run out.

The same would apply to the categories of Monster Rumble and Dino Den. What do you think? I can come up with the list of not-timed games btw.

Gerarge menyukai ini
Tentang PulMatrox
If you want me to add any category to a game I mod just message me.
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