KazakhstanOthroMan8 months ago

Hi! Just today found an interesting glitch (or it's not new), this glitch can save you from 10 to 40 minutes of passing! So here's the gist of the glitch:

After the meeting with Asgore, he will take us to the barrier, but we do not go in there, and go back to the exit MTT, where we get a call from Undyne, and asked to go take a letter to Alphys, in short, we just pass the date with Alphys, but after the date, we don't save (we have to go through the date again), and we don't go into the lab with Alphys, we just go back to the barrier, fight Asgore, and after we spare Asgore, he gets killed by Flowey, and eeeee. .. The battle with Photoshopped Flowey just skips off! After Flowey consumes all the souls, we'll just end up in front of the exit where we'll be talking to our friends on the phone. Then we in the end Flaui will tell us to go on a date with Alphis, that's all the glitch, it works only on version 1.02+, good luck with your runs!

Tentang OthroMan
8 months ago
8 months ago