Virginia, USANotJohn2 months ago

I dont see why not

Villan5546 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn3 years ago

If you saw me active in the cod discord you coulda just DMed me there, I havent had time to do more than retime runs lately on this site (literally retimed most of MW2019's IL runs not even a week ago)

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn4 years ago

Yesterday, while reviewing runs Kuno and I noticed video glitches that consisted of the video's bit rate tanking. When we first found this oddity, we denied the runs because we knew nothing about it. But now, after discussing the glitch with multiple Console runners we have discovered that it is caused by the unreliable internet connection that comes from streaming off of Wi-Fi, we apologize to the runners whose runs we have denied because of this and implore them to submit new runs.

BinExpert menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

requesting mod for Fate/Extellla LINK https://www.speedrun.com/fate-extella-link seeing as neither mod has been online for multiple months

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

We have floated that option, removing silent's and Tanya's runs since they've been banned once or twice, but we as a community agreed that if we did it'd just end up causing more drama. besides the removal of Ryan's runs occurred because of his history of saying that he's cheated runs before. On the other side, I don't have any reason to think that Tanya or silent would cheat their runs.. Well, Tanya, anyway. But hey, if you or anyone can give concrete proof that either of them has cheated a run before, I'll take action per what the full mods and community think ¯_(ツ)_/¯

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Update #2: I've finished applying the fixes to the runs, I will leave this thread open for any questions or concerns regarding the board.

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Update: Two runs were without video, I've contacted the runners, asking if any footage of the runs still existed. When they both said that no footage existed, I let them know that I would be removing the runs for now, and if a time came in the future where they found the footage of the run, or have done another run, I would look over the run (checking the time, taking out the loads, etc) and verify the new run. Both runners agreed to that, stating that they would do another run sometime in the future. I also ran this through with Dangerless, the full mod currently listed as one of the moderators of this board.

BOZAK_115 dan Dangerless menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Due to the events yesterday, all the runs have been stripped of their platforms. Today I'll be going through all the runs and editing them to readd the platforms the run occured on.

BOZAK_115 dan Tron_Javolta menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Sure! I'll go ahead and add that. Be sure to direct anyone with runs of that category here so they can go up if any show up in the future.

Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

He guesses it's going to be around two minutes faster, but hey if it makes an hour long run any shorter I'd go for it

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Thanks to HalfOfAKebab, it's come to light that the german version is multiple minutes faster than the US or orther EU versions, due to the removal of certain triggers/forced dialogue. Recently, he also found that if you change the language of the game via Steam to German, you will download 2.6 GB update that makes the changes, I just thought everyone should know of this for runs made in the future.

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

To answer your question about 1st prestige being added; I personally don't think there'd be much of a point, but if you are willing to run it, I'll bring it up to VK. As for the second question; Taking into account the sheer age of WaW and the scarcity of currently active servers that give XP as the base game's servers once did, I'd have really no choice but to allow it.

Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Also, I thought that I didn't even know waw, but all of a sudden it's the only one I know? Makes you ?

Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

If there are runs that are submitted for games that I do not know that have other mods then I will send those videos to those mods for their take on the run, but as of yet since me becoming sole mod and then adding VK due to my computer problems, the only runs that have been submitted have been Black Ops 4, with no mod, and WaW

Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

I don't see how my lack of knowledge of the series impact my ability to moderate this board which, as VK states, has only 44 runs. I also don't see why every main mod should be roped into moderating this board when six out of the fifteen games don't have a single run, and most of which that do have runs don't have a run of every category.

Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Hello, Bimj, after thinking about your request for mod and taking into account your lack of runs on the site and just a general lack of trust that you've imbued me with other the last two weeks, I am going to have to deny your request. If, at some point in the future you can change those I will reconsider your request.

Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

there, I sorted it out

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

I truly do not know how the runs defaulted back to your old account, I've shown Silent every audit from you telling me that you don't want any runs to be moved to your current account to you making this thread

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Sure, would you like for me to delete&readd the runs from your old account as well?

Virginia, USANotJohn5 years ago

Yes, thank you, that is the answer I was looking for, not a hounding by them to try and make me waver, thank you Bokoblins, with that settled I'll lock the thread now and remove the run

BOZAK_115 menyukai ini
Tentang NotJohn
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