Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm2 years ago

I was using the weird bug that makes the second to last bosses toothwheel bag refresh when you leave and enter the area to farm the toothwheels to set up a stacked NG+ file. I got mostly everything and was gonna continue to do it today but the game autopatched because stoopid me left my PC on.

I have basically everything for NG+ runs besides a weapon and armour, just thought I would see if it was possible to downpatch not only for my sake but for future NG+ runners since it is a simple way to set up a NG+ file with all unlocks.

If anyone can figure it out and share it here for everyone it would save a massive grind for unlocks and it would end up being healthy for the category once it is made since everyone can start with even NG+ files as well.

If the downpatch can't be done then NG+ will probably need some discussion on rules or maybe there is already a better method for farming toothwheels?

I am not yet an official runner for this game just sharing some thoughts I had, so take this all with a grain of salt. Just wanted to open the discussion and maybe get the ball rolling on an NG+ category discussion and see what can or can't be done. :)

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm3 years ago

I figured since we have runners now and a plethora tricks, one of which is very input heavy. It would be time to discuss this topic which people might come along and abuse to get free top times.

So I thought I would see if everyone here so far would like to ban macros to keep the competition honest and fair whilst also appreciating how good top runners are and giving new runners something to work towards to make sure the run doesn't get stale to quickly for people that pick it up.

I feel like if macros are allowed the run would be less impressive and overall the life span for the game would end up being much shorter.

I am for banning macros but I think remapping controls should be allowed as the dev for the game has mentioned he would work on custom controls in the future.

I will leave this forum open for a while to see what everyone thinks and after a decision has been reached this forum will be locked.

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm3 years ago

For the REVISITOR page I moderate I can't get the page to prioritize IGT over Real Time. I have checked all the stuff to make sure it is right but it just won't flip the time columns. Not sure what I have missed

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm3 years ago

There is an update for Revisitor coming that will include it's own in game timer for both full runs and IL's. This means that the rules we currently have will be re-done and current full game runs will have to be taken down due to a change with mission 12. Blink is no longer available on that map and that means we can no longer use the early exit glitch, essentially mission 12 will be done glitchless from now on and therefore leaving runs on the leaderboard with the glitched method wouldn't be very fair.

So there are a few drawbacks but the in game timer being provided will be much more accurate for leaderboards as it will count milliseconds AND it doesn't count load times or level selection screen time. We will now be able to separate the real time from game time all while having a more accurate timing method for full game runs and can even do IL runs that will be timed down to the frame to avoid any tied IL records.

These changes aren't happening straight away however since, at the time of posting this there are still some bugs and issues with the timer in the current patch. As soon as the in game timer works 100% we will change the rules and get rid of any existing Full game runs on the leaderboard.

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm3 years ago

I know it is a tedious process and I can't really do it well, would appreciate if someone could set one up for me to share with some people! I would literally pay someone money to do it rather than do it myself lol. It is for a simple game I don't know if that helps?

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm3 years ago

I plan on doing a crowbar only run and found out the inventory glitch that is used for the shotgun in the any% can be done with the crowbar with different advantages and disadvantages.

So instead on opening up inventory as you attack (like with the shotgun) you have to time it so you open up inventory as the attack hits, this gives you 2 crowbar hits with one swing, this comes with a downside though. It seems that doing this method doesn't stagger enemies for as long so you are more likely to get hit after closing your inventory regardless of whether you spam dodge or move away as soon as you can, however there is a way around this. If you equip the lighter then equip the crowbar it will cancel the final part of the swing animation while still dealing the double hit.

So the method for dealing with enemies I have been using is.

  • bait and dodge an attack
  • swing the crowbar and open inventory as the attack hits
  • equip lighter then equip crowbar
  • close inventory run away (you will probably dodge an attack in the process)

Is seems like it isn't worth it at first, but if you get used to it and do this method quickly I have found it makes the few fights you have to do much quicker especially since the crowbar has a low chance to knock enemies down, so being able to hit twice in one swing gives you a slightly better chance of getting that knockdown and then you can get way more damage off making fights even shorter once again.

Just thought I would share this if anyone is interested :)

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm3 years ago

If you could take all the cutscenes out of the game would you? Because there is a way to do so.

Only issue is you have to cap the fps around 60 so it doesn't crash every time you are going through evidence to fast.

Makes the game a much quicker run, I timed a pretty sloppy run but managed a 42 minute run.

Basically unskippable cutscenes don't add anything to the run, it becomes all about execution and eliminates the frustration of watching tons of cutscenes only to have to make a mistake and hve to suffer through those cutscenes again. With this you can reset instanty if you aren't happy and makes it more enjoyable to reset runs.

Maybe even make it a sub category for any%. Have a Cutscenes and No Cutscenes sub category if you don't want to merge it into one? If other runners are interested I can post a run on this forum with a guide on how to set it up. I have found a way to make it very stable, done 4 or so runs now with it and no crashes.

Here is what it looks like

ominij menyukai ini
Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm4 years ago

Like a knife only but since Moria uses a crowbar and little one uses bricks. Was wondering if anyone has tried something like this since the skills tree improves on knife, melee and take down damage

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm4 years ago

They just don't work. Done a lot of troubleshooting and nothing works. I originally ran on the ePSXe with no issues but I saw you guys only allow 2 emulators.

I guess this just means I can't post runs here?

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm4 years ago

Since this game is extremely optimised, if we starting getting tied times should we change the timing method to milliseconds?

If you can't include a timer in your runs that's all good I don't mind timing them myself before verification.

Personally I think so since it is really optimised and it makes sense for a 2D game with little room for movement errors to have a tighter timing method.

Depends on whether current runners agree or disagree. I won't change it unless runners of this game agree to it c:

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm4 years ago

Any talk about rules, help or general talk about how things work goes here.

If anyone needs guides just ask :)

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm4 years ago

Would you like me to post them here?

I found a way to clip past locked doors under certain circumstances.

Found a way oob (haven't found a use for it yet)

And some general buggy things with the distraction that you place, if you character is forced to stand still for a scripted moment or something sometimes you can start placing a distraction and you will have free movement during a time where you were supposed to be standing still e.g Just after first boss fight when Lin runs off and you fall on the ground and have to wait for mini game to stand

Ecdycis menyukai ini
Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm4 years ago

Any chance someone could chuck us a save file with all the stages done? recently bought this game for PC after only owning it one PS4 for ages and i don't mind playing through it all again i just want full access to the rush mode is all

If i get a reply before i finish everything that would be much appreciated

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm4 years ago

I remember playing this on Ps2 a while back and you could literally unload certain areas and such. Is it the same for PC?

Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm4 years ago

you can literally ignore the last level and its janky stuff, it's so dumb, the wall at the end literally just falls over???

SeductiveSpatula menyukai ini
Victoria, AustraliaNiceGuyDomm5 years ago

Just wondering since I'm probably gonna run this so gotta ask

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