United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

In case you were wondering

Tutterey menyukai ini
United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

Dream is salty that he got caught, but in the end it’s not the moderators’ fault for doing their jobs

Ivory, Walgrey dan 13 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

Hey everyone, I want to clear something up. Dream’s luck wasn’t a 1 in 7.5 trillion, the luck was a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance that anyone will ever get his luck again. Also, simulations have been run, at least 7.5 trillion, and we don’t get anywhere near Dream’s luck. To show how unlikely his luck is, here’s an example- If you laid down black playing cards across the entirety of Utah and Colorado, and only one was red, in order to get Dream’s luck you’d have to pick the red card 3 TIMES IN A ROW. Do you see why he was banned now?

NutritionWasTaken, GMP, dan Awabbatt47 menyukai ini
United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

Didn’t zylenox pausing to do math count towards his time though? Why not do that here?

United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

Ok but I don’t feel that excited about the sub 10 because it’s just so cheeky. The pauses make it seem disingenuous and it’s by a completely unknown person, not to mention the fact that it’s just so luck based makes it feel kind of undeserved. This is gonna be very controversial no matter what, but I would rather this not be validated.

qwuzzy menyukai ini
United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

Idk the lag is very convenient for the time

United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

Lol I asked the same thing

United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago


United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

Hello! I’m a bit new to speedrunning but I was wondering if there could be a new Death% category for dying as fast as possible. Thanks!

United StatesMysteryGxmer3 years ago

Is there any category for dying as fast as possible in Bedrock Edition? I just got a 0.2 second time and was wondering if I could submit it. Thanks!

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