benang: Gambol (Romhack)
I'll just add that I've been doing what could be Total%, or Quiz%, like we talked a little about, where I do the entire quiz and shell level after the normal run end. I'd love to have it split up a little, though it'll be slightly duplicative with the current runs.
(Adding: I stupid love this hack, and I'm grinding down to deathless 16:00)
JezJitzu menyukai ini
benang: Front Mission 4
Sorry, I never actually checked to see if that all worked after uploading it. That was an .xlsm file that apparently got broken down when uploaded into a bunch of weird stuff. I've transferred it to a Google Sheet, so it should all work now. Checked! Let me know if there are any more problems.
maelstrom1001 menyukai ini
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