RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

We had a little chat with charmander, and we decided to retime all runs for USF4 (for the test) to a new standard.

Before: Full RTA, no pauses. Gives unfair advantage to SSD/Preload (or both) for PC version of the game. It's super hard to beat PC version times atm, thanks to the abhormal load times on Consoles.

After: IGT, from the start of the fights till the end. The time will be counted by taking 99 (original starting time) and subtracting it by the K.O time.

Example: You start the timer like normal. First "cutscene" takes around 6 seconds, loadscreen takes 4, and you kill Hugo in 19 seconds.

Old rule: 29-31 sec. New rule: 19 sec.

Because most of the active runners are sitting on the same server (Speedyfists one), i highly doubt i'll see any other input about this rule, but you're free to write your opinion.

benang: Talk
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

streaming on hitbox instead of streaming on steam 😉

benang: The Site
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

gathering together and having f u n marathon staff anybody can submit, but they'll take the runner with good time/commentary combo

benang: The Site
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

or give us some sort of filters that we can use to change the games we see on a front page.

benang: Speedrunning
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

you wouldn't steal a car in real life but you would download it, if you could.

same applies to games.

benang: The Site
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

no vid no did for some games where theres shitton of uploads / time is insignificant till its lower than xx:yy:zz:vv mods just allow you to have a relatively free wr with a screenshot of your end times instead of the video.

benang: Speedrunning
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

virtualdub allows you to see the amount of frames that you've recorded and afaik to get the time you need you take all frames and divide it by fps.

i might be wrong about the formula, so wait for hte confirmation

DorianSpeedcubing dan Chef menyukai ini
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RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

Just submit it.

MASH menyukai ini
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RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

bumping for activity NotLikeThis

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RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

Hopefully, DMC games are legit.

MASH menyukai ini
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

I didn't had a chance to watch your runs, and Cb is quite busy atm afaik. You don't have to hurry, we'll get to them sooner or later.

benang: The Site
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

hide for all users, except for the mods.

RussiaMekarazium6 years ago


  1. We got our own lives, we're not getting paid for verifying runs et cetera.
  2. We had quite a heavy discussion about you and your past.
  3. It's quite hard to verify the run, if the video of the run is missing. https://image.prntscr.com/image/fuPy37rJQUq7bmZmeDiYSQ.png
Yudhveer menyukai ini
RussiaMekarazium6 years ago

Using StyleSwitcher is fine to get rid of the sound bugs that can lower your FPS significantly during your run, but we found something that is not really allowed in the run, as SS allows you to chain 2 Air Hikes or more, depending on these:


If you change one of these, you'll get more or less ¤insert thing you've changed¤. This is most noticeable in NG+ Dante runs, as SD/SLDK costumes allows you to get towards some places a lot faster than NG route, and if you'll get more jumps(or Air Hikes) / Sky Stars, that's just unfair.

Therefore, if you're using SS, consider changing Air Hike / Sky Star values to 1. The runs won't get rejected because you're using SS, but they most likely will get rejected if you'll use more resources than Steam ver. of DMC3SE can offer.

Bulkanoidniy dan PvtCb menyukai ini
RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

Kelnin is quite active in ru discord. Shouldn't take THAT long.

menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

[quote]It's going to be held online so anyone wanting to submit a speedrun themselves can easily be a part of the marathon. [/quote]

They'll stream the runs towards their dedicated server and take the video-stream directly from there.

menyukai ini
benang: Talk
RussiaMekarazium7 years ago

yes you can but please, don't necro threads.

menyukai ini
Tentang Mekarazium
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