benang: Run N Gun
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

I'd be very interested to see what you all come up with for additional categories to be added onto the leaderboard!

benang: Run N Gun
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

Level Leaderboard has been added.

benang: Run N Gun
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

That was next on the bucket list, will be added extremely shortly.

jalankan: Harbor Hoover
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

the 2012 tutorial music gave you the power to beat my seamless unbeatable world record, noted.

Flashee menyukai ini
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

"No Upgrades" has been added due to the request of: @Flashee

Flashee menyukai ini
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

I'd be very interested to see what you all come up with for additional categories to be added onto the leaderboard!

jalankan: Harbor Hoover
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

missed opportunity for 4:20 😔

supercrazestar menyukai ini
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

I imagine you three verifiers are overloaded with work or will be burnt out soon, granted I haven't speedran the game yet, I have the game and know how it plays out very well and have studied the game rules for runs.

I'm an ex-moderator for the Genshin Impact Speedrun.com leaderboard and I use retiming tools to have the most accurate time on a run possible.

Here's my discord if you fellas want to have me added for convenience: MeatBagFrank#7923

RuinerRyan menyukai ini
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

I imagine we're going to be overloaded with a ton of runs on release week and such and i'd like to help out.

I'm an ex-moderator for the Genshin Impact category and I use retiming tools to have the most accurate time on a run possible.

Here's my discord if you fellas want to have me added for convenience: MeatBagFrank#7923

Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank2 years ago

"these people have lives" brah, 10 days without a run verified when there is some pending and not 1 has been verified, it's not a matter of having a life but rather not prioritizing verifying these speedruns especially when a run is usually about 10 minutes or less.

new mods are needed.

Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank3 years ago

title says it all i would love to run the game :(

benang: ClassiCube
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank3 years ago

everything above ^^^

and place all blocks (Enchanced and Classic) instead of NG and NG+

benang: ClassiCube
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank3 years ago

please add no autoclickers

Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank5 years ago

@CoreKidGaming @ImHolden @SwaagDudezz

Read April's response!

Submit your ideas here: https:/​/​docs.​google.​com/​forms/​d/​e/​1FAIpQLSfw_tsQkr45DwY5WfGVqvt9LTLwS_6eUuPXn9umkoOvbn85eQ/​viewform

See if it got accepted here: https:/​/​docs.​google.​com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1vm5kbfuaA8QjxZQEJsDoUoxoMMhwUwYjCgRuStbjtkg/​edit#gid=2053819014

DrunkGecko menyukai ini
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank5 years ago

@AprilSR Thank you, didn't know there was a forum for that. My bad.

Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank5 years ago

this would be a better category for Minecraft Java Edition Category Extension

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank5 years ago

I am an outsider and would like to know the requirements of each category, when to start my time, when to end my time, etc. But unfortunately, there is nothing in the rules category and I am unsure of what to do.

Ontario, CanadaMeatBagFrank5 years ago

Kill every mob as fast as possible.

I also highly recommend you check out SwaagDudezz's ideas in the forums as well because Minecraft: Java Edition Category Extension should have much more to it, as it is Minecraft after all.

Blizz, DrunkGecko, dan ImHolden menyukai ini
Tentang MeatBagFrank
7 years ago
11 months ago
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