Tennessee, USAMToms1275 years ago

Making Toriks out to be the villain is the dishonesty, claiming he is abusing the rules cause he wasn’t streaming. That’s an absolute joke. You also stated he improved his time after 9 months, which serves no purpose at all except to suggest that he was playing beyond his abilities because of a moderate increase in fps. It just looks bad to do it this way instead of arguing solely that capping FPS would make it more fair and provide a more accurate comparison of skill, it comes off as “Toriks ruined the game with his underhanded tricks so now we have to fix this mess.”

Svenir, FingerQuick dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Tennessee, USAMToms1275 years ago

I like the idea of a cap, I don’t like the idea of making dishonest posts.

ToriksLV menyukai ini
Tennessee, USAMToms1275 years ago

If you argue that the same rules for WR runs should be applied to all runs, then argue that runs that have had their video lost should stay on the leaderboard, does that mean WR runs with lost video should stay as well?

Similarly, there is a workaround for accidental cheats so runs with them should not count, there are workarounds for losing your video, if you lose it and don't have a back up that's your fault.

BackmadeJay menyukai ini
Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

I don’t remember the rules for the segments ever being changed. Also the categories don’t have to mirror any% at all, they don’t have any restrictions on glitches used or anything like that. The category is “complete the desert segment” not “complete the desert segment with the rest of the game prior to the run starting being played the same as some arbitrary any% run.”

Kamiks0320 menyukai ini
Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

Welll there is a very big difference between those categories and LS and that is the fact that LS begins where every other category begins, at the start of the game. Those other categories are more like NG+, they require a save, which means they require a standardized save for competitions sake and SF, Desert, LV, and RTLS all lack either a clear starting point or ending point so that is a poor comparison. The only good comparison to it is Trevor% , maybe Romans sorrow, and maybe Portland if you really want to stretch it.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

LS% being popular on the CE boards in no way proves that being on the CE boards is stagnating it’s growth. And that it’s visability would be worse if it were on this page under misc. is laughable. Any% dupeless has double the runs it had before being moved (and it would have a lot more if dupeless old runs from any% were moved over). I would bet money on LS% surpassing any% in number of runs if it were on this leaderboard.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

Jizzy Skip video:

Probably saves around 0:45 - 1:10 (depends on car rng) from my timing, someone else can test it thats better than me though.

TopalMuharrem, BackmadeJay dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

Should have Super Mario Sunshined this bitch. Takes care of the randoms and the other gta runners who are voting.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

My vote: 1. However, if it saves time and it is banned it seems unfair to leave runs that use it on here. Of course this was done with the GInput ban in trilogy games, although I’m not aware of anyone using that to save time.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

Yeah thats what I thought, I guess we are done here then. BTW that was a hell of a post and you almost swung me.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

I think a lot of people, myself included, would prefer Any% Dupeless. I guess we could just call it that without that being it’s official name like you suggested. The name is already Any% Dupless on the Category extension board and it has never caused any confusion. The name =/= the rules. I don’t think anyone has asked for the rules to simply state “no duping” obviously this category would not allow GT skip and that would be reflected in the rules. Just seems like a common sense approach to keep the category the same name it has always had and the ONLY name I have ever seen to describe such a run. Everybody is going to call it dupeless I’m sure so why make things technical, that’s what the rules are for.

Ark menyukai ini
Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

No that was misleading, what I meant to say is that everyone would jump on any LS post and say no we are not adding new categories. So when a new category is suggested people have a tendency to overreact and say no immediately, like MH did here. I didn’t mean compare anything he did years ago to now. Secondly, I don’t think the idea of fair representation is absurd or trivial and I certainly don’t think you have to be paid for it to be considered, but that’s a discussion for another day I’ll drop it for the sake of getting the category added.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

A minute ago Josh couldn’t defend MHs post now “He was joking” He clearly didn’t not want to add this category and did not want to discuss it. The only reason it is being discussed is people are OVERWHELMINGLY in support of it. He thought it would be like LS% discussions and could throw his opinion out there without seeing what others thought.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

You said This is going to go off topic and turn into a flame war (...),but sure I'll directly address everything you just said. No mention of any notifications or anything but I’ll let that go cause it’s probably accurate. When people fear the mods there is tyranny, when the mods fear the people there is liberty. MH saying he was gonna stop a bunch of crybabies, who clearly form a majority of people who have cared to comment, from changing the leaderboard is quite obviously the former not the latter. And since it has become quite obvious that this change will be made it makes him look even worse that he didn’t want to care enough to discuss it. I’m fine if you don’t feel comfortable modding people you don’t know well that makes sense, but the current mods shouldn’t necessarily have the only say in who becomes a mod, obviously it is a decision the community should support. I don’t think every mod should be made up of the “old guard” that calls the shots now, the mods should be representative of the community, you should seek out other groups within the community. Your above post is shocking to me, the amount of power you feel being mod gives you is shocking to me. I’m glad reset spoke out.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

He must have a pretty pathetically small view of the community to say nobody else was suitable/wanted too. Especially if he is considering people who don’t run the game or know the rules(see day 1 of MHs time as a mod when he said flyings run didn’t show the initial load immediately after watching a video showing the initial load). That’s a very weak thing to say what would have been better is, “nobody else from my little club of buddies wanted to be mod” And a discussion about appropriate behavior by the mods is just “a flame war”? You guys are full of yourselves, reset speaks the truth.

Tennessee, USAMToms1276 years ago

Make unnoticeable (possibly fictional) changes Don’t announce them Get mad when people don’t know about them telepathically make 3 posts about the changes without stating what they are It’s not the runners job to reach out on changes in mod policy it’s the mods jobs to communicate. I’m not trying to get another thread locked here so I’m not gonna even bother coming back to this, if you have anything else to say you can send me a private message.

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