Add a new category - glitchless fire%
что думаете насчет этого нового мини роута? -
Разрешено ли юзать клипы после есклипа при прохождении определенной главы? просто типо не с начала главы начать, а дойти до нее самому с есклипом, а потом начать запись с той главы которая нужна и сделать спидран этой главы?
For some reason, my automatic timer does not work. Everything is correct in the settings, but I do not start from the beginning of the game, but from a certain chapter, how to make an automatic timer when you start not from the beginning
The bottom line is that you will need to collect a picture of a grandmother in the basement, it seems to me that many people will play it (including myself) and it will be quite interesting, I think it will be possible to add the Any% and Any% Glitchless category
The bottom line will be to put 2 vases in the basement, the key will not need to be opened, I think it is worth adding this category, because it is quite interesting, and it seems to me that people will play it.
I think that you need to create a script for the android version of granny, because on the pc version it is there and it is good there, why not do the same on android and facilitate the races of all spedruners? What do you think?