benang: Sonic World DX
Alright, I turned my notifications for that server on so I will know next time.
benang: Sonic World DX
All my new runs will be in the new version; I'm not sure if I can still say it's new.
benang: Sonic World DX
I somehow just realized 1.2 came out and was confused when people were playing stages that I didn't have.
It's fine if they are getting deleted or anything, but I am just curious.
benang: Talk
I've got two runs coming out if they get verified, which they should. :]
benang: Talk
I wasn't expecting to, but thank you for saying that anyway.
grntsz dan Oh_my_gourdness menyukai ini
benang: Talk
That's a great pick; I used to play that a ton back in the day.
benang: Talk
Hello everyone, I have been interested in speedruns for years but have never tried them myself. Any beginner game recommendations?
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Tentang KobeySpeedruns
Just a guy who's doing this for fun!
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