benang: Spongebob Saw Game
benang: Spongebob Saw Game
benang: Kirby's Rampage
Sorry, i was off doing something. Well, i rejected your run now. (It's allowed to use the glitch, but you need to count the first part in the run. The part where you get the shotgun)
benang: Kirby's Rampage
The discord server is currently deleted, but you can go to our profiles and click the link to our accounts.
benang: Kirby's Rampage
I beat WR, but forgot to record. Tomorrow i'm probably not as good. Ironic.
benang: Kirby's Rampage
The game got an update. the update made the game harder by making bosses stronger in HP, bowser is worse than ever, and the mario music changed a bit.
benang: Kirby's Rampage
If you're Lego#4117 then chat on discord. that's faster
benang: Kirby's Rampage
Or you can use the Gamejolt link. https://gamejolt.com/games/-oh-no-kirbys-got-a-gun-/390809
benang: Kirby's Rampage
Title says it all.
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